Elvis and termcap

Roy M. Silvernail cybrspc!roy at cs.umn.edu
Thu Aug 30 00:28:37 AEST 1990

kirkenda at eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Steve Kirkendall) writes:

> Oops.  Sorry about that.  The "Elvis.prj" file for Turbo-C, and the "Elvis.ln
> file for MSC 5.1, are both a little out of date.  They both refer to a comple
> termcap library, but they're supposed to refer to "tinytcap.c".

Thanks. I got it running now.

> Also, it should be compiled in the medium or large memory model.

Large, I found out last night. Medium gives errors in link under TC 2.0
Roy M. Silvernail |+|  roy%cybrspc at cs.umn.edu  |+| #define opinions ALL_MINE;
main(){float x=1;x=x/50;printf("It's only $%.2f, but it's my $%.2f!\n",x,x);}
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