-DFASTLOAD for Elvis

Steve Kirkendall kirkenda at eecs.cs.pdx.edu
Sat Sep 8 04:15:54 AEST 1990

Under DOS, Elvis may start up faster if you compile it with -DFASTLOAD in
your CFLAGS.

-DFASTLOAD causes Elvis to read several whole sectors at a time while loading
a text file.  This was intended to reduce the start-up time for Elvis, but
under UNIX it had no measurable effect on Elvis' speed.  So I figured it was
a bust.

But now I've been told that -DFASTLOAD *does* help DOS users.  You may wish
to try it.  If you do, please let know know what effect (if any) you notice.
Steve Kirkendall    kirkenda at cs.pdx.edu    uunet!tektronix!psueea!eecs!kirkenda

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