Simple Socket Library

Mat Watson mat at
Mon Apr 29 17:36:05 AEST 1991

***** Simple Socket Library *******
by Mat Watson and Hubert Bartels

The Simple Socket library is intended to simplify programming with BSD
sockets, by providing a set of functions which mimic the stdio library.
The basic data type used by the library is the SOCKET,
which is analogous to the stdio FILE data type.  Here's a comparison
of some code fragments to illustrate the similarities:

--Normal file IO--		--Using Simple Sockets--
#include <stdio.h>		#include <ss.h>
...				...
FILE *fp;			SOCKET *sp;
...				...
fp = fopen("foobar.dat","r");	sp = ConnectSock("",4010)
...				...
fgets( buffer, 99, fp);		SockGets( buffer, 99, sp);

The calls which open and close the sockets themselves hide many of the
gory details associated with using sockets, and provide a more natural
interface.  The call to ConnectSock() above takes two arguments: a
host name, and a port number.  Which is a good deal simpler than the
series of steps one normally takes to establish a connection using
standard system calls.  As is the case with most other routines that
simplify a complicated process, the Simple Socket Library makes
certain assumptions about how one wishes to use sockets to

This library assumes communications using 'streams' as opposed to
datagrams, as they are quite similar to the stdio 'streams'.  In
addition, the library does not use ioctl() to modify socket
characteristics.  So if you want to make the sockets non blocking (for
example), you'll have to modify the library code ( or this
functionality could probably be added later ).  Instead, sockets
should be checked to see if they are ready to be accessed before
trying to read from one.

Since I don't have the time to write a bonafide manual, I put together
some test/example programs that should be looked over.  The file named
Testing explains how to use the test programs.  I also wrote the file
named Notes, which gives a man page like synopsis and a short
description for the library routines.  The file named Install has
instructions for building the library.

Much of the code is based on a version of the stdio library written by
Hubert Bartels.  Without that code as a basis, this library probably
wouldn't be here now.  Thanks Hubert.

If you find the code useful, have any constructive criticism, bug
fixes, or suggestions for improvement, send them to me (Mat).  I'm
finishing up my dissertation, so don't be surprised if I'm a bit slow
in replying :-).

This code is know to run on a: Sun3/160, Sparc 2, Data General Aviion,
and IBM risc workstation.  It compiled on an ATT 3b2, but didn't
run too well at all.

--Mat      4/29/91

Mat Watson   mat at
Hubert Bartels hgb at

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