empire sources (cover letter)

Charles Simmons chuck at amdahl.uts.amdahl.com
Mon Apr 11 10:58:56 AEST 1988

Following this cover letter there are six shar archives containing
C/Unix sources for a game whose concept is based on the version of
Empire written in Fortran that runs on VMS operating systems.
(Do not confuse this with the entirely different game called "empire"
that already runs on Unix systems.)

The sources have been compiled on Sys V systems and
Sun systems.  Apparently Ultrix systems do not have a function
named "usleep" that exists on Sun systems, so there are minor
porting hacks that need to be made for Ultrix systems.

Be forewarned that the game is slow if you have anything less
than a 20 VAX-MIPS processor at your disposal.  The game is
even slower if you compile it with the -DDEBUG flag or if you
do not have a local hard disk.  Hopefully, someone out there
will fix these problems and repost the sources.

It is my belief that this game is useable and playable as is.  However,
I have a list of enhancements (enclosed) that I would like to see someone
make to the game.  Please let me know of any problems you encounter
(including porting difficulties that you had to overcome).  I will
also be interested in diffs of changes that you make to improve the

			Happy Hacking,


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