A newer version of qtime - a friendly clock

Ade Lovett ade at cs.warwick.ac.uk
Fri Sep 8 20:03:40 AEST 1989

I was looking through the old archives recently, and found a cute little
program called 'qtime' which displayed the time of day in a more interesting
format than date(1). It worked fine, but then I looked at the code, and it
was rather messy (a couple of *huge* case statements), so I decided to rewrite
it, making it a bit more efficient and smaller (on my system, it compiles to
just under 9k, the original taking ~15k).

Being a public-spirited sort of chap, I decided to post it to alt.sources
just in case anyone else either missed the original version, or wants to
have a look at this new all-improved :-) version.

It compiles and runs under Suns (both SunOS 4.0 and 3.4) and VAXen (running
Ultrix 3.0 and 2.0) - I don't know about any other machine/operating system


PS: Don't forget to remove the .sig from the end :-)

---- cut here ----
/* qtime.c	Displays time in real English, also chimes
** 09/89	Ade Lovett	Complete rewrite
** 04/86	Mark Dapoz	Converted to C for UNIX
** 12/79-12/82	Mike Cowlishaw
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>

char *minutesaying[] = {
    "","just after ","a little after ","nearly ","almost "
char *fiveminsaying[] = {
    "","five past ","ten past ","a quarter past ","twenty past ",
    "twenty-five past ","half past ","twenty-five to ","twenty to ",
    "a quarter to ","ten to ","five to ",""
char *hoursaying[] = {

void main()
    char qtime[200];
    int i, hr, mn;
    time_t clock, time();
    struct tm *tm, *localtime();

    tm = localtime(&clock);
    hr = tm->tm_hour+(tm->tm_min>32);
    mn = tm->tm_min+(tm->tm_sec>29);

    strcpy(qtime, "It's ");
    strcat(qtime, minutesaying[mn%5]);
    strcat(qtime, fiveminsaying[mn/5+(mn%5>2)]);
    if (hr%12) {
	strcat(qtime, hoursaying[(hr -= (hr>12)*12+1)]);
	strcat(qtime, (mn%60) ? "." : " o'clock.");
    } else {
	strcat(qtime, (hr == 12) ? "Noon" : "Midnight");
	hr = 12;
    if (!(mn%15))
	if (mn%60)
	else {
	    for (i=hr; i>=0; i--)
		printf("Bong%s",(i==0 ? "!)\n\n" : ","));

+--- Ade Lovett --------+- ade at cs.warwick.ac.uk ------ +44 932 842478 -------+
| Computer Science      |  INTERNET: ade%cs.warwick.ac.uk at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk |
| Warwick University    |  UUCP    : ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!ade               |
| Coventry CV4 7AL, UK  |  BITNET  : ade%uk.ac.warwick.cs at ukacrl             |

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