STDWIN 0.9.6 patches, part 2/5

Guido van Rossum guido at
Fri Jun 7 23:32:00 AEST 1991

Archive-name: stdwin0.9.6/patch2

*** 0.9.5/Packs/textedit/editwin.c	Mon Oct 22 13:36:35 1990
--- stdwin/Packs/textedit/editwin.c	Tue May 28 22:57:27 1991
*** 63,73 ****
--- 63,77 ----
  	int width, height;
+ 	int hbar, vbar;
  	int i;
  	if (ew == NULL)
  		return NULL;
+ 	wgetdefscrollbars(&hbar, &vbar);
+ 	wsetdefscrollbars(0, 1);
  	ew->win= wopen(filename==NULL ? "Untitled" : filename, ewdrawproc);
+ 	wsetdefscrollbars(hbar, vbar);
  	if (ew->win == NULL) {
  		return NULL;
*** 335,340 ****
--- 339,348 ----
+ 	case WE_CLOSE:
+ 		closed= ewclose(ew);
+ 		break;
  	case WE_COMMAND:
  		if (e->u.command == WC_CLOSE) {
  			closed= ewclose(ew);
*** 345,351 ****
  			e->u.command == WC_TAB ||
  			e->u.command == WC_BACKSPACE)
  			change= TRUE;
! 			goto def;
  	case WE_MOUSE_DOWN:
  		/* Edit the coordinates slightly so teevent always
--- 353,359 ----
  			e->u.command == WC_TAB ||
  			e->u.command == WC_BACKSPACE)
  			change= TRUE;
! 		goto def; /* Go pass it on to teevent */
  	case WE_MOUSE_DOWN:
  		/* Edit the coordinates slightly so teevent always
*** 0.9.5/Packs/textedit/text.h	Thu Oct 18 14:00:07 1990
--- stdwin/Packs/textedit/text.h	Tue May 28 22:57:58 1991
*** 22,28 ****
  struct _textedit {
  	/* Drawing environment */
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	coord left, top, right, bottom;
  	hcoord width;	/* == right-left */
  	TEXTATTR attr;	/* Text attributes */
  	vcoord vspace;	/* Vertical spacing (line height) */
--- 22,28 ----
  struct _textedit {
  	/* Drawing environment */
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	coord left, top, right, bottom;		/* Text area */
  	hcoord width;	/* == right-left */
  	TEXTATTR attr;	/* Text attributes */
  	vcoord vspace;	/* Vertical spacing (line height) */
*** 55,61 ****
  	coord opt_h, opt_v;	/* Caret position in window */
  	hcoord opt_avail;	/* White pixels at end of line */
  	hcoord opt_end;		/* End of line or next tab stop */
  	/* NB: aim, opt_h, opt_v are in window coordinates,
  	       i.e., tp->left or tp->top has already been added */
--- 55,65 ----
  	coord opt_h, opt_v;	/* Caret position in window */
  	hcoord opt_avail;	/* White pixels at end of line */
  	hcoord opt_end;		/* End of line or next tab stop */
! 	/* View restriction */
! 	coord vleft, vtop, vright, vbottom;	/* View area */
! 	tbool viewing;				/* TRUE to enable view */
  	/* NB: aim, opt_h, opt_v are in window coordinates,
  	       i.e., tp->left or tp->top has already been added */
*** 0.9.5/Packs/textedit/textedit.c	Thu Feb 21 10:53:57 1991
--- stdwin/Packs/textedit/textedit.c	Tue May 28 23:18:47 1991
*** 30,35 ****
--- 30,67 ----
  	teinsert(tp, cbuf, 1);
+ /* Interfaces for wchange and wscroll that clip to the viewing rectangle */
+ static void
+ techange(tp, left, top, right, bottom)
+ 	TEXTEDIT *tp;
+ 	int left, top, right, bottom;
+ {
+ 	if (tp->viewing) {
+ 		CLIPMIN(left, tp->vleft);
+ 		CLIPMIN(top, tp->vtop);
+ 		CLIPMAX(right, tp->vright);
+ 		CLIPMAX(bottom, tp->vbottom);
+ 	}
+ 	wchange(tp->win, left, top, right, bottom);
+ }
+ static void
+ tescroll(tp, left, top, right, bottom, dh, dv)
+ 	TEXTEDIT *tp;
+ 	int left, top, right, bottom;
+ 	int dh, dv;
+ {
+ 	if (tp->viewing) {
+ 		CLIPMIN(left, tp->vleft);
+ 		CLIPMIN(top, tp->vtop);
+ 		CLIPMAX(right, tp->vright);
+ 		CLIPMAX(bottom, tp->vbottom);
+ 	}
+ 	wscroll(tp->win, left, top, right, bottom, dh, dv);
+ 	/* XXX Should call wchange for bits scrolled in from outside view? */
+ }
  /* Optimization for the common case insert char.
     Assumes text measurement is additive. */
*** 110,128 ****
  	tp->opt_avail -= w;
  	if (tp->active)
! 	wscroll(tp->win,
  		tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v,
  		tp->opt_end, tp->opt_v + tp->vspace,
  		w, 0);
  	wdrawchar(tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v, c);
  	tp->opt_h += w;
  	if (tp->active) {
! 		wsetcaret(tp->win, tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v);
! 		wshow(tp->win,
! 			tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v,
! 			tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v + tp->vspace);
  	tp->aim= tp->opt_h;
--- 142,170 ----
  	tp->opt_avail -= w;
  	if (tp->active)
! 	tescroll(tp,
  		tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v,
  		tp->opt_end, tp->opt_v + tp->vspace,
  		w, 0);
+ 	if (tp->viewing)
+ 		wcliprect(tp->vleft, tp->vtop, tp->vright, tp->vbottom);
  	wdrawchar(tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v, c);
  	tp->opt_h += w;
  	if (tp->active) {
! 		if (!tp->viewing ||
! 		    tp->vleft <= tp->opt_h &&
! 		    tp->opt_h <= tp->vright &&
! 		    tp->vtop <= tp->opt_v &&
! 		    tp->opt_v + tp->vspace <= tp->vbottom) {
! 			wsetcaret(tp->win, tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v);
! 			wshow(tp->win,
! 			      tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v,
! 			      tp->opt_h, tp->opt_v + tp->vspace);
! 		}
! 		else
! 			wnocaret(tp->win);
  	tp->aim= tp->opt_h;
*** 205,217 ****
  			lineno k= chlast;
  			if (shift > 0)
  				k -= shift;
! 			wscroll(tp->win,
  				tp->left, tp->top + k*tp->vspace,
  				tp->right, tp->top + tp->nlines*tp->vspace,
  				0, shift*tp->vspace);
! 		wchange(tp->win,
  			tp->left, tp->top + chfirst*tp->vspace,
  			tp->right, tp->top + chlast*tp->vspace);
--- 247,259 ----
  			lineno k= chlast;
  			if (shift > 0)
  				k -= shift;
! 			tescroll(tp,
  				tp->left, tp->top + k*tp->vspace,
  				tp->right, tp->top + tp->nlines*tp->vspace,
  				0, shift*tp->vspace);
! 		techange(tp,
  			tp->left, tp->top + chfirst*tp->vspace,
  			tp->right, tp->top + chlast*tp->vspace);
*** 219,225 ****
  	tp->nlines= i+1;
  	newbottom= tp->top + tp->vspace*tp->nlines;
  	if (newbottom < tp->bottom)
! 		wchange(tp->win,
  			tp->left, newbottom, tp->right, tp->bottom);
  	tp->bottom= newbottom;
  	tp->aim= UNDEF;
--- 261,267 ----
  	tp->nlines= i+1;
  	newbottom= tp->top + tp->vspace*tp->nlines;
  	if (newbottom < tp->bottom)
! 		techange(tp,
  			tp->left, newbottom, tp->right, tp->bottom);
  	tp->bottom= newbottom;
  	tp->aim= UNDEF;
*** 367,379 ****
  	case WE_MOUSE_DOWN:
  			int h= e->u.where.h, v= e->u.where.v;
! 			if (h >= tp->left && h <= tp->right &&
! 					v >= tp->top && v <= tp->bottom)
! 				teclicknew(tp, h, v,
! 					e->u.where.button == 2,
! 					e->u.where.clicks > 1);
! 			else
! 				return FALSE;
--- 409,428 ----
  	case WE_MOUSE_DOWN:
  			int h= e->u.where.h, v= e->u.where.v;
! 			if (tp->viewing) {
! 				if (h < tp->vleft || h > tp->vright ||
! 				    v < tp->vtop || v > tp->vbottom)
! 					return FALSE;
! 			}
! 			else {
! 				if (h < tp->left || h > tp->right ||
! 				    v < tp->top || v > tp->bottom)
! 					return FALSE;
! 			}
! 			teclicknew(tp, h, v,
! 				   e->u.where.button == 3 ||
! 				   (e->u.where.mask & WM_SHIFT),
! 				   e->u.where.clicks > 1);
*** 644,649 ****
--- 693,717 ----
+ tesetview(tp, left, top, right, bottom)
+ 	TEXTEDIT *tp;
+ 	int left, top, right, bottom;
+ {
+ 	tp->viewing= TRUE;
+ 	tp->vleft= left;
+ 	tp->vtop= top;
+ 	tp->vright= right;
+ 	tp->vbottom= bottom;
+ }
+ void
+ tenoview(tp)
+ 	TEXTEDIT *tp;
+ {
+ 	tp->viewing= FALSE;
+ }
+ void
  tesetfocus(tp, foc1, foc2)
  	TEXTEDIT *tp;
  	focpos foc1, foc2;
*** 712,718 ****
  	if (buf == NULL || buflen < 0)
  	if (drawing)
! 		wchange(tp->win, tp->left, tp->top, tp->right, tp->bottom);
  	tp->buf= buf;
  	tp->buflen= buflen;
--- 780,786 ----
  	if (buf == NULL || buflen < 0)
  	if (drawing)
! 		techange(tp, tp->left, tp->top, tp->right, tp->bottom);
  	tp->buf= buf;
  	tp->buflen= buflen;
*** 721,727 ****
  	terecompute(tp, 0, tp->buflen);
  	if (drawing) {
  		tp->drawing= TRUE;
! 		wchange(tp->win, tp->left, tp->top, tp->right, tp->bottom);
--- 789,795 ----
  	terecompute(tp, 0, tp->buflen);
  	if (drawing) {
  		tp->drawing= TRUE;
! 		techange(tp, tp->left, tp->top, tp->right, tp->bottom);
*** 0.9.5/Packs/textedit/textlow.c	Mon Oct 22 13:37:36 1990
--- stdwin/Packs/textedit/textlow.c	Tue May 28 23:19:12 1991
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,7 ----
  /* Text Edit, low-level routines */
+ /* XXX Should make return-less functions void */
  	routines beginning with te... have a first parameter 'tp';
  	routines beginning with z... don't, or are macros that
*** 199,204 ****
--- 201,208 ----
  	tp->top= top;
  	tp->right= right;
  	tp->width= right-left;
+ 	tp->viewing= FALSE;
  	if (win != NULL) {
*** 247,253 ****
  	register TEXTEDIT *tp;
! 	wchange(tp->win, tp->left, tp->top, tp->right, tp->bottom);
--- 251,260 ----
  	register TEXTEDIT *tp;
! 	if (tp->viewing)
! 		wchange(tp->win, tp->vleft, tp->vtop, tp->vright, tp->vbottom);
! 	else
! 		wchange(tp->win, tp->left, tp->top, tp->right, tp->bottom);
*** 294,299 ****
--- 301,308 ----
  	if (tp->active && !tp->hilite && tp->foclen > 0) {
+ 		if (tp->viewing)
+ 		    wcliprect(tp->vleft, tp->vtop, tp->vright, tp->vbottom);
  		tp->hilite= TRUE;
*** 305,310 ****
--- 314,321 ----
  	if (tp->hilite) {
+ 		if (tp->viewing)
+ 		    wcliprect(tp->vleft, tp->vtop, tp->vright, tp->vbottom);
  		tp->hilite= FALSE;
*** 327,332 ****
--- 338,345 ----
  	if (tp->hilite) {
+ 		if (tp->viewing)
+ 		    wcliprect(tp->vleft, tp->vtop, tp->vright, tp->vbottom);
  		if (f1 == tp->foc)
  			teinvert(tp, zfocend, f2);
  		else if (f2 == zfocend)
*** 379,385 ****
  	tedrawnew(tp, tp->left, tp->top, tp->right, tp->bottom);
  tedrawnew(tp, left, top, right, bottom)
  	register TEXTEDIT *tp;
--- 392,397 ----
*** 386,392 ****
--- 398,415 ----
  	coord left, top, right, bottom;
  	lineno ifirst, ilast, i;
+ 	/* Clip given area to view */
+ 	if (tp->viewing) {
+ 		CLIPMIN(left, tp->vleft);
+ 		CLIPMIN(top, tp->vtop);
+ 		CLIPMAX(right, tp->vright);
+ 		CLIPMAX(bottom, tp->vbottom);
+ 	}
+ 	/* Restrict drawing to intersection of view and given area */
+ 	wcliprect(left, top, right, bottom);
  	/* Compute first, last line to be drawn */
  	ifirst= (top - tp->top)/tp->vspace;
  	if (ifirst < 0)
*** 408,413 ****
--- 431,439 ----
  	if (tp->hilite)
+ 	/* Reset the clip rectangle */
+ 	wnoclip();
  /* Move the gap to a new position */
*** 522,527 ****
--- 548,569 ----
  		tp->start[i]= zgapend;
+ /* Interface for wshow that clips to the viewing rectangle */
+ static void
+ teshow(tp, left, top, right, bottom)
+ 	TEXTEDIT *tp;
+ 	int left, top, right, bottom;
+ {
+ 	if (tp->viewing) {
+ 		CLIPMIN(left, tp->vleft);
+ 		CLIPMIN(top, tp->vtop);
+ 		CLIPMAX(right, tp->vright);
+ 		CLIPMAX(bottom, tp->vbottom);
+ 	}
+ 	wshow(tp->win, left, top, right, bottom);
+ }
  /* Set the caret at the new focus position,
     or display the focus highlighting, if applicable.
     Also call wshow() of the focus.
*** 539,545 ****
  	tewhichpoint(tp, tp->foc, &h, &v);
  	if (tp->foclen == 0) {
! 		wsetcaret(tp->win, h, v);
  		hlast= h;
  		vlast= v;
--- 581,594 ----
  	tewhichpoint(tp, tp->foc, &h, &v);
  	if (tp->foclen == 0) {
! 		if (!tp->viewing ||
! 		    tp->vleft <= h && h <= tp->vright &&
! 		    tp->vtop <= v && v + tp->vspace <= tp->vbottom) {
! 			wsetcaret(tp->win, h, v);
! 		}
! 		else {
! 			wnocaret(tp->win);
! 		}
  		hlast= h;
  		vlast= v;
*** 548,554 ****
! 	wshow(tp->win, h, v, hlast, vlast + tp->vspace);
  /* Coordinate transformations.
--- 597,603 ----
! 	teshow(tp, h, v, hlast, vlast + tp->vspace);
  /* Coordinate transformations.
*** 0.9.5/Packs/vt/vt.c	Mon Oct 22 15:06:06 1990
--- stdwin/Packs/vt/vt.c	Tue May 14 13:16:40 1991
*** 15,20 ****
--- 15,21 ----
  				int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
  STATIC void vtdraw _ARGS((VT *vt, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2));
  STATIC void vtchrange _ARGS((VT *vt, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2));
+ STATIC bool slowcirculate _ARGS((VT *vt, int r1, int r2, int n));
  /* Administration for vtfind */
*** 0.9.5/Packs/vt/vtvtrm.c	Mon Oct 22 15:46:08 1990
--- stdwin/Packs/vt/vtvtrm.c	Tue May 14 13:17:29 1991
*** 7,12 ****
--- 7,13 ----
     One other thing: you'll have to call wdone() when you really exit. */
  /* XXX This has never been tested... */
+ /* XXX The interfaces to trmputdata and trmsense should change !!! */
  #include "vtimpl.h"
  #include "vtrm.h"
*** 30,36 ****
  	*rows_return= 24;
  	*cols_return= 80;
  	return TE_OK;
--- 31,37 ----
  	*rows_return= 24;
  	*cols_return= 80;
  	return TE_OK;
*** 39,44 ****
--- 40,46 ----
  	active= FALSE;
+ /* XXX Need interface change */
  trmputdata(row, col, data)
  	int row, col;
  	char *data;
*** 130,135 ****
--- 132,138 ----
+ /* XXX Need interface change */
  trmsense(row_return, col_return)
  	int *row_return, *col_return;
*** 0.9.5/Ports/alfa/draw.c	Tue Jan  8 13:03:32 1991
--- stdwin/Ports/alfa/draw.c	Sun May 12 13:54:10 1991
*** 3,8 ****
--- 3,9 ----
  #include "alfa.h"
  static char *textline[MAXLINES];
+ static char *modeline[MAXLINES];
  static short textlen[MAXLINES];
  static char texttouched[MAXLINES];
*** 112,117 ****
--- 113,119 ----
  	for (i= top; i < bottom; ++i)
  		uptodate[i] = FALSE;
+ 	/* XXX This code was never fixed to update the mode array */
  	char *p;
*** 238,255 ****
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	int i;
  	if (draw_win != NULL)
  		wenddrawing(draw_win); /* Finish previous job */
! 	/* Auto-initialization of the textline array.
  	   The other arrays needn't be initialized,
  	   since they are preset to zero. */
  	for (i= win->top; i < win->bottom; ++i) {
  		if (textline[i] == NULL)
  			textline[i]= malloc((unsigned) (columns+1));
! 			/*uptodate[i]= FALSE;*/
  	draw_saveattr= wattr;
--- 240,262 ----
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	int i, j;
  	if (draw_win != NULL)
  		wenddrawing(draw_win); /* Finish previous job */
! 	/* Auto-initialization of the textline and modeline array.
  	   The other arrays needn't be initialized,
  	   since they are preset to zero. */
+ 	/* XXX Crash if malloc() fails! */
  	for (i= win->top; i < win->bottom; ++i) {
  		if (textline[i] == NULL)
  			textline[i]= malloc((unsigned) (columns+1));
! 		if (modeline[i] == NULL) {
! 			modeline[i]= malloc((unsigned) columns);
! 			for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
! 				modeline[i][j] = PLAIN;
! 		}
  	draw_saveattr= wattr;
*** 271,277 ****
  		if (texttouched[i]) {
  			texttouched[i]= FALSE;
  			textline[i][textlen[i]]= EOS;
! 			trmputdata(i, i, 0, textline[i]);
--- 278,284 ----
  		if (texttouched[i]) {
  			texttouched[i]= FALSE;
  			textline[i][textlen[i]]= EOS;
! 			trmputdata(i, i, 0, textline[i], modeline[i]);
*** 292,307 ****
  	int k;
  	for (k= 0; k < space/2 - 1; ++k)
! 		buf[k]= '-'|mask;
! 	buf[k++]= ' '|mask;
  	while (k < columns && *title != EOS)
! 		buf[k++]= *title++|mask;
  	if (k < columns)
! 		buf[k++]= ' '|mask;
  	while (k < columns)
! 		buf[k++]= '-'|mask;
  	buf[k]= EOS;
! 	trmputdata(titline, titline, 0, buf);
  	uptodate[titline]= TRUE;
--- 299,323 ----
  	int k;
  	for (k= 0; k < space/2 - 1; ++k)
! 		buf[k]= '-';
! 	buf[k++]= ' ';
  	while (k < columns && *title != EOS)
! 		buf[k++]= *title++;
  	if (k < columns)
! 		buf[k++]= ' ';
  	while (k < columns)
! 		buf[k++]= '-';
  	buf[k]= EOS;
! 	if (win == front) {
! 		char mode[256];
! 		int i;
! 		for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
! 			mode[i] = STANDOUT;
! 		trmputdata(titline, titline, 0, buf, mode);
! 	}
! 	else {
! 		trmputdata(titline, titline, 0, buf, (char *)0);
! 	}
  	uptodate[titline]= TRUE;
*** 312,319 ****
  	int len;
  	int k;
! 	int mask= ( == 0) ? 0 : 0200;
  	char *text;
  	WINDOW *win= draw_win;
  	if (len < 0)
--- 328,336 ----
  	int len;
  	int k;
! 	int flag= ( == 0) ? PLAIN : STANDOUT;
  	char *text;
+ 	char *mode;
  	WINDOW *win= draw_win;
  	if (len < 0)
*** 322,333 ****
  	if (v < win->top || v >= win->bottom || h >= columns || len == 0)
  	text= textline[v];
  	k= textlen[v];
! 	while (k < h)
! 		text[k++]= ' ';
  	while (len > 0) {
  #define APPC(c) \
! 	if (h >= 0) text[h]= (c) | mask; if (++h >= columns) break
  		unsigned char c= *str++;
  		if (c < ' ') {
--- 339,353 ----
  	if (v < win->top || v >= win->bottom || h >= columns || len == 0)
  	text= textline[v];
+ 	mode= modeline[v];
  	k= textlen[v];
! 	for (; k < h; k++) {
! 		text[k]= ' ';
! 		mode[k]= PLAIN;
! 	}
  	while (len > 0) {
  #define APPC(c) \
! 	if (h >= 0) {text[h]= (c); mode[h]= flag;} if (++h >= columns) break
  		unsigned char c= *str++;
  		if (c < ' ') {
*** 407,412 ****
--- 427,448 ----
+ wfillcircle(h, v, radius)
+ 	int h, v;
+ 	int radius;
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ wxorcircle(h, v, radius)
+ 	int h, v;
+ 	int radius;
+ {
+ }
+ void
  wdrawelarc(h, v, radh, radv, ang1, ang2)
  	int h, v;
  	int radh, radv;
*** 416,421 ****
--- 452,475 ----
+ wfillelarc(h, v, radh, radv, ang1, ang2)
+ 	int h, v;
+ 	int radh, radv;
+ 	int ang1, ang2;
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ wxorelarc(h, v, radh, radv, ang1, ang2)
+ 	int h, v;
+ 	int radh, radv;
+ 	int ang1, ang2;
+ {
+ }
+ void
  wdrawbox(left, top, right, bottom)
  	int left, top, right, bottom;
*** 459,472 ****
  	for (v= top; v < bottom; ++v) {
  		int k= textlen[v];
  		char *text= textline[v];
  		if (k < right) {
  			do {
! 				text[k++]= ' ';
  			} while (k < right);
  			textlen[v]= k;
! 		for (k= left; k < right; ++k)
! 			text[k] ^= 0200;
  		texttouched[v]= TRUE;
--- 513,533 ----
  	for (v= top; v < bottom; ++v) {
  		int k= textlen[v];
  		char *text= textline[v];
+ 		char *mode= modeline[v];
  		if (k < right) {
  			do {
! 				text[k]= ' ';
! 				mode[k]= PLAIN;
! 				k++;
  			} while (k < right);
  			textlen[v]= k;
! 		for (k= left; k < right; ++k) {
! 			if (mode[k] != PLAIN)
! 				mode[k]= PLAIN;
! 			else
! 				mode[k]= STANDOUT;
! 		}
  		texttouched[v]= TRUE;
*** 494,503 ****
  	for (v= top; v < bottom; ++v) {
  		int k= textlen[v];
  		char *text= textline[v];
  		if (k > right)
  			k= right;
! 		while (--k >= left)
  			text[k]= ' ';
  		texttouched[v]= TRUE;
--- 555,567 ----
  	for (v= top; v < bottom; ++v) {
  		int k= textlen[v];
  		char *text= textline[v];
+ 		char *mode= modeline[v];
  		if (k > right)
  			k= right;
! 		while (--k >= left) {
  			text[k]= ' ';
+ 			mode[k]= PLAIN;
+ 		}
  		texttouched[v]= TRUE;
*** 504,509 ****
--- 568,597 ----
+ wdrawpoly(n, points)
+ 	int n;
+ 	POINT *points;
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ wfillpoly(n, points)
+ 	int n;
+ 	POINT *points;
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ wxorpoly(n, points)
+ 	int n;
+ 	POINT *points;
+ {
+ }
+ void
  wcliprect(left, top, right, bottom)
  	int left, top, right, bottom;
*** 515,518 ****
--- 603,654 ----
  	/* XXX not implemented */
+ }
+ void
+ wsetfont(fontname)
+ 	char *fontname;
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ wsetsize(size)
+ 	int size;
+ {
+ }
+ wfetchcolor(colorname)
+ 	char *colorname;
+ {
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ void
+ wsetfgcolor(color)
+ 	COLOR color;
+ {
+ }
+ wgetfgcolor()
+ {
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ void
+ wsetbgcolor(color)
+ 	COLOR color;
+ {
+ }
+ wgetbgcolor()
+ {
+ 	return 0;
*** 0.9.5/Ports/alfa/event.c	Thu Oct 18 13:58:28 1990
--- stdwin/Ports/alfa/event.c	Tue May 28 18:35:41 1991
*** 223,228 ****
--- 223,230 ----
  	if (ep->window == NULL && front != syswin)
  		ep->window= front;
+ 	if (ep->type == WE_COMMAND && ep->u.command == WC_CLOSE)
+ 		ep->type= WE_CLOSE; /* Too hard to do earlier... */
  	lasttype= ep->type;
  	return ep->type != WE_NULL;
*** 0.9.5/Ports/alfa/menu.c	Mon Oct 29 09:58:17 1990
--- stdwin/Ports/alfa/menu.c	Tue Apr 16 16:20:02 1991
*** 497,503 ****
  		if (lowest < lines)
  			uptodate[lowest]= FALSE;
! 	trmputdata(i+1, lowest, 0, "");
  	leftblank= left;
  	trmsync(curitem+1, mp->left);
--- 497,503 ----
  		if (lowest < lines)
  			uptodate[lowest]= FALSE;
! 	trmputdata(i+1, lowest, 0, "", (char *)0);
  	leftblank= left;
  	trmsync(curitem+1, mp->left);
*** 559,566 ****
  	   items on the first menu (after the sysmenu) weren't removed
  	   from the screen.  I haven't tried to fix this in a more
  	   efficient manner. */
! 	trmputdata(line, line, 0, "");
! 	trmputdata(line, line, leftblank, buf);
  	uptodate[line]= FALSE;
--- 559,566 ----
  	   items on the first menu (after the sysmenu) weren't removed
  	   from the screen.  I haven't tried to fix this in a more
  	   efficient manner. */
! 	trmputdata(line, line, 0, "", (char *)0);
! 	trmputdata(line, line, leftblank, buf, (char *)0);
  	uptodate[line]= FALSE;
*** 0.9.5/Ports/alfa/stdwin.c	Sun Oct 21 12:51:10 1990
--- stdwin/Ports/alfa/stdwin.c	Tue Apr 16 16:21:10 1991
*** 16,37 ****
  int lines, columns;
! /* Initialization call.
!    Should be called only once, before any others.
!    Will exit when the initialization fails. */
! winit()
! 	winitargs((int*)NULL, (char***)NULL);
! winitargs(pargc, pargv)
  	int *pargc;
  	char ***pargv;
  	int flags;
  	int err;
--- 16,46 ----
  int lines, columns;
! winitargs(pargc, pargv)
! 	int *pargc;
! 	char ***pargv;
! 	wargs(pargc, pargv);
! 	winit();
! wargs(pargc, pargv)
  	int *pargc;
  	char ***pargv;
+ }
+ /* Initialization call.
+    Should be called only once, before any others.
+    Will exit when the initialization fails. */
+ void
+ winit()
+ {
  	int flags;
  	int err;
*** 59,65 ****
  	if (lines > MAXLINES)
  		lines= MAXLINES;
! 	trmputdata(0, lines-1, 0, "");
--- 68,74 ----
  	if (lines > MAXLINES)
  		lines= MAXLINES;
! 	trmputdata(0, lines-1, 0, "", (char *)0);
*** 73,79 ****
  	if (lines > 0) {
  		/* Move cursor to last screen line. */
! 		trmputdata(lines-1, lines-1, 0, "");
  		trmsync(lines-1, 0);
  	lines= 0;
--- 82,88 ----
  	if (lines > 0) {
  		/* Move cursor to last screen line. */
! 		trmputdata(lines-1, lines-1, 0, "", (char *)0);
  		trmsync(lines-1, 0);
  	lines= 0;
*** 292,297 ****
--- 301,334 ----
+ void
+ wsetdefscrollbars(width, height)
+ 	int width, height;
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ wgetdefwinpos(ph, pv)
+ 	int *ph, *pv;
+ {
+ 	*ph = *pv = 0;
+ }
+ void
+ wgetdefwinsize(ph, pv)
+ 	int *ph, *pv;
+ {
+ 	*ph = *pv = 0;
+ }
+ void
+ wgetdefscrollbars(ph, pv)
+ 	int *ph, *pv;
+ {
+ 	*ph = *pv = 0;
+ }
  /* Make a window the active window. */
*** 362,368 ****
  		uptodate[i]= FALSE;
! 	trmputdata(0, lines-1, 0, "");
  /* Temporarily restore cooked tty mode. */
--- 399,405 ----
  		uptodate[i]= FALSE;
! 	trmputdata(0, lines-1, 0, "", (char *)0);
  /* Temporarily restore cooked tty mode. */
*** 369,375 ****
! 	trmputdata(lines-1, lines-1, 0, "");
  	trmsync(lines-1, 0);
--- 406,412 ----
! 	trmputdata(lines-1, lines-1, 0, "", (char *)0);
  	trmsync(lines-1, 0);
*** 0.9.5/Ports/alfa/syswin.c	Thu Oct 18 13:58:31 1990
--- stdwin/Ports/alfa/syswin.c	Tue Apr 16 16:21:35 1991
*** 346,355 ****
  	while(Butt[y-1]) {
  		if(y==Curr) sprintf(buf, "%c %s", META('o'), Butt[y-1]); 
  		else sprintf(buf, "o %s", Butt[y-1]);
! 		trmputdata(y, y, 0, buf);
! 	trmputdata(y,y,0,"");
  /* additional EuroMath WM routine, called after returning from an
--- 346,355 ----
  	while(Butt[y-1]) {
  		if(y==Curr) sprintf(buf, "%c %s", META('o'), Butt[y-1]); 
  		else sprintf(buf, "o %s", Butt[y-1]);
! 		trmputdata(y, y, 0, buf, (char *)0);
! 	trmputdata(y,y,0,"",(char *)0);
  /* additional EuroMath WM routine, called after returning from an
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/about.c	Thu Feb 28 12:48:31 1991
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/about.c	Tue Mar 26 11:08:03 1991
*** 16,23 ****
     Also see your THINK C licence.
  char *about_message=
! 	"STDWIN version 0.9.5 (using THINK C 4.0)\r\r\
! Copyright \251 1988, 1989, 1990 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, \
  Written by Guido van Rossum (guido at\r\
  CWI, dept. AA, P.O.B. 4079\r1009 AB  Amsterdam, The Netherlands\r\r\
--- 16,23 ----
     Also see your THINK C licence.
  char *about_message=
! 	"STDWIN version 0.9.5a (using THINK C 4.0)\r\r\
! Copyright \251 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, \
  Written by Guido van Rossum (guido at\r\
  CWI, dept. AA, P.O.B. 4079\r1009 AB  Amsterdam, The Netherlands\r\r\
*** /dev/null	Fri Jun  7 14:31:40 1991
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/color.c	Tue Apr  9 20:01:40 1991
*** 0 ****
--- 1,44 ----
+ #include "macwin.h"
+ /* Provisional color encoding:
+    - low 16 bits: a color as specified in <QuickDraw.h>
+    - high 16 bits: a shade factor, 0 -> full, 128 -> 50%
+    See also draw.c
+ */
+ static struct colorentry {
+ 	char *name;
+ 	long color;
+ } colorlist[] = {
+ 	{"black",	blackColor},
+ 	{"white",	whiteColor},
+ 	{"red",		redColor},
+ 	{"green",	greenColor},
+ 	{"blue",	blueColor},
+ 	{"cyan",	cyanColor},
+ 	{"magenta",	magentaColor},
+ 	{"yellow",	yellowColor},
+ 	{"gray25",	blackColor + (192L << 16)},
+ 	{"gray50",	blackColor + (128L << 16)},
+ 	{"gray75",	blackColor + (64L << 16)},
+ 	{"foreground",	blackColor},
+ 	{"background",	whiteColor},
+ 	{NULL,		0}	/* Sentinel */
+ };
+ long
+ wfetchcolor(colorname)
+ 	char *colorname;
+ {
+ 	struct colorentry *p;
+ 	for (p = colorlist; p->name != NULL; p++) {
+ 		if (strcmp(p->name, colorname) == 0)
+ 			return p->color;
+ 	}
+ 	dprintf("wmakecolor: unknown color '%s'", colorname);
+ 	return blackColor;
+ }
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/cursor.c	Tue Feb 19 10:46:44 1991
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/cursor.c	Tue Mar 26 10:37:15 1991
*** 31,43 ****
  			h = GetCursor(plusCursor);
  		else if (strcmp(name, "watch") == 0)
  			h = GetCursor(watchCursor);
  		else if (strcmp(name, "arrow") == 0) {
! 			/* The arrow is not a resource but a quickdraw global.
! 			   Fake a handle with a static variable. */
  			static CursPtr arrowptr;
  			arrowptr = &QD(arrow);
  			h = &arrowptr;
  		else if (strcmp(name, "hand") == 0) {
  			/* The hand is hardcoded below */
  			h = &handcursorptr;
--- 31,46 ----
  			h = GetCursor(plusCursor);
  		else if (strcmp(name, "watch") == 0)
  			h = GetCursor(watchCursor);
+ #if 0
  		else if (strcmp(name, "arrow") == 0) {
! 			/* The arrow is only a quickdraw global,
! 			   which we can't use.
! 			   Should have it as a static variable... */
  			static CursPtr arrowptr;
  			arrowptr = &QD(arrow);
  			h = &arrowptr;
+ #endif
  		else if (strcmp(name, "hand") == 0) {
  			/* The hand is hardcoded below */
  			h = &handcursorptr;
*** 63,69 ****
- /*XXX	SetCursor(&QD(arrow)); */
--- 66,71 ----
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/dialog.c	Wed Nov  7 23:35:19 1990
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/dialog.c	Tue Mar 26 11:09:12 1991
*** 60,65 ****
--- 60,69 ----
  			def= buf;
  		SFPutFile(PASSPOINT corner, PSTRING(prompt),
  #ifdef THINK_C /* XXX ??? */
+ /* XXX I think PSTRING returns a pointer to a static buffer
+    so there can be only one call to PSTRING in an arg list.
+    Maybe I forgot that when I found this code didn't work.
+    Should fix it better! */
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/draw.c	Tue Feb 19 10:46:48 1991
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/draw.c	Sun Apr  7 16:56:25 1991
*** 8,14 ****
     text measuring;
     text drawing;
     coordinate conversion tools;
!    ordinary drawing.
     XXX Should be split, only things used between w{begin,end}drawing
     belong here.
--- 8,15 ----
     text measuring;
     text drawing;
     coordinate conversion tools;
!    ordinary drawing;
!    color stuff.
     XXX Should be split, only things used between w{begin,end}drawing
     belong here.
*** 33,38 ****
--- 34,43 ----
  #include <Fonts.h>
+ COLOR _w_fgcolor = blackColor;
+ COLOR _w_bgcolor = whiteColor;
+ static COLOR save_fgcolor, save_bgcolor;
  static WINDOW *drawing;
  static TEXTATTR drawsaveattr;
  static int baseline;
*** 44,49 ****
--- 49,62 ----
  STATIC void setwattr _ARGS((TEXTATTR *attr));
  STATIC void getfinfo _ARGS((void));
+ /* Patterns -- can't use the QuickDraw globals (sigh) */
+ static Pattern pat0   = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+ static Pattern pat25  = {0x11, 0x44, 0x11, 0x44, 0x11, 0x44, 0x11, 0x44};
+ static Pattern pat50  = {0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa};
+ static Pattern pat75  = {0x77, 0xdd, 0x77, 0xdd, 0x77, 0xdd, 0x77, 0xdd};
+ static Pattern pat100 = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
  wchange(win, left, top, right, bottom)
  	WINDOW *win;
*** 110,116 ****
--- 123,135 ----
+ 	/* ScrollRect seems to work only in normal mode */
+ 	ForeColor(blackColor);
+ 	BackColor(whiteColor);
  	ScrollRect(pr, dh, dv, rgn);
+ 	ForeColor((short)win->fgcolor);
+ 	BackColor((short)win->bgcolor);
*** 131,137 ****
! 	DrawGrowIcon(win->w);
  	getwinrect(win, pr);
  	RectRgn(rgn, pr);
--- 150,156 ----
! 	_wgrowicon(win);
  	getwinrect(win, pr);
  	RectRgn(rgn, pr);
*** 184,189 ****
--- 203,215 ----
+ 	save_fgcolor = _w_fgcolor;
+ 	save_bgcolor = _w_bgcolor;
+ 	_w_fgcolor = win->fgcolor;
+ 	_w_bgcolor = win->bgcolor;
+ 	_w_usefgcolor(_w_fgcolor);
+ 	_w_usebgcolor(_w_bgcolor);
*** 200,205 ****
--- 226,237 ----
  		dprintf("warning: wenddrawing ignored for wrong window");
+ 	_w_fgcolor = save_fgcolor;
+ 	_w_bgcolor = save_bgcolor;
+ 	_w_usefgcolor(win->fgcolor);
+ 	_w_usebgcolor(win->bgcolor);
  	SetOrigin(0, 0);
  	SetRect(&r, -32000, -32000, 32000, 32000);
*** 509,516 ****
  	Rect *pr;
  	*pr= win->w->portRect;
! 	pr->right -= BAR;
! 	pr->bottom -= BAR;
--- 541,550 ----
  	Rect *pr;
  	*pr= win->w->portRect;
! 	if (win->vbar != NULL)
! 		pr->right -= BAR;
! 	if (win->hbar != NULL)
! 		pr->bottom -= BAR;
*** 568,574 ****
  	Rect r;
  	SetRect(&r, left, top, right, bottom);
! 	FillRect(&r, QD(black));
--- 602,608 ----
  	Rect r;
  	SetRect(&r, left, top, right, bottom);
! 	FillRect(&r, drawing->w->pnPat);
*** 577,593 ****
  	int perc;
  	Rect r;
! 	unsigned char *p; /* really Pattern * or PatPtr */
  	perc= (perc + 12)/25;
  	CLIPMIN(perc, 0);
  	switch (perc) {
! 	case 0:	p= &QD(white)[0];	break;
! 	case 1: p= &QD(ltGray)[0];	break;
! 	case 2: p= &QD(gray)[0]; 	break;
! 	case 3: p= &QD(dkGray)[0];	break;
! 	default: p= &QD(black)[0];	break;
  	SetRect(&r, left, top, right, bottom);
--- 611,627 ----
  	int perc;
  	Rect r;
! 	PatPtr p;
  	perc= (perc + 12)/25;
  	CLIPMIN(perc, 0);
  	switch (perc) {
! 	case 0:	p = &pat0;	break;
! 	case 1: p = &pat25;	break;
! 	case 2: p = &pat50; 	break;
! 	case 3: p = &pat75;	break;
! 	default: p = &pat100;	break;
  	SetRect(&r, left, top, right, bottom);
*** 602,608 ****
  	Rect r;
- 	/* XXX Isn't there an off-by-one error here? */
  	SetRect(&r, h-radius, v-radius, h+radius, v+radius);
--- 636,641 ----
*** 615,623 ****
  wdrawelarc(h, v, hrad, vrad, ang1, ang2)
  	Rect r;
- 	/* XXX Does this work? No off-by-one errors? */
  	SetRect(&r, h-hrad, v-vrad, h+hrad, v+vrad);
! 	FrameArc(&r, 90-ang1, ang1-ang2); /* ??? */
  /* CLIPPING */
--- 648,655 ----
  wdrawelarc(h, v, hrad, vrad, ang1, ang2)
  	Rect r;
  	SetRect(&r, h-hrad, v-vrad, h+hrad, v+vrad);
! 	FrameArc(&r, 90-ang1, ang1-ang2);
  /* CLIPPING */
*** 640,643 ****
--- 672,738 ----
  	Rect r;
  	getwinrect(drawing, &r);
+ }
+ /* COLOR */
+ wgetfgcolor()
+ {
+ 	return _w_fgcolor;
+ }
+ wgetbgcolor()
+ {
+ 	return _w_bgcolor;
+ }
+ void
+ wsetfgcolor(color)
+ 	COLOR color;
+ {
+ 	_w_fgcolor = color;
+ 	if (drawing)
+ 		_w_usefgcolor(color);
+ }
+ void
+ wsetbgcolor(color)
+ 	COLOR color;
+ {
+ 	_w_bgcolor = color;
+ 	if (drawing)
+ 		_w_usebgcolor(color);
+ }
+ void
+ _w_usefgcolor(color)
+ 	COLOR color;
+ {
+ 	ForeColor((short)color);
+ 	switch (((color >> 16) + 32) / 64) {
+ 	case 0:
+ 		PenPat(pat100);
+ 		break;
+ 	case 1:
+ 		PenPat(pat75);
+ 		break;
+ 	case 2:
+ 		PenPat(pat50);
+ 		break;
+ 	case 3:
+ 		PenPat(pat25);
+ 		break;
+ 	case 4:
+ 		PenPat(pat0);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+ }
+ void
+ _w_usebgcolor(color)
+ 	COLOR color;
+ {
+ 	BackColor((short)color);
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/event.c	Tue Feb 19 10:46:53 1991
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/event.c	Tue May 28 22:23:56 1991
*** 9,15 ****
--- 9,18 ----
  #ifdef THINK_C
  #include <EventMgr.h>
+ #ifndef THINK_C_3_0
+ #include <console.h> /* See do_update */
+ #endif
  void (*_w_idle_proc)();	/* Function to call in idle loop */
*** 83,88 ****
--- 86,99 ----
  	if (active == NULL)
+ 	else if (active->w != FrontWindow()) {
+ 		/* Somehow we missed a deactivation event.
+ 		   Fake one now. */
+ 		ep->type= WE_DEACTIVATE;
+ 		ep->window= active;
+ 		deactivate();
+ 		return;
+ 	}
  	ep->type= WE_NULL;
  	ep->window= NULL;
*** 206,212 ****
  	win= whichwin((WindowPtr) e.message);
  	if (win == NULL) {
! 		/* dprintf("update evt for alien window"); */
  	_wupdate(win, &r);
--- 217,239 ----
  	win= whichwin((WindowPtr) e.message);
  	if (win == NULL) {
! 		/* Update event for a window not created by STDWIN
! 		   (not a Desk Accessory -- these are taken care of
! 		   by GetNextEvent or at some other secret place.)
! 		   This is is problem: if we ignore it, it will come
! 		   back forever, so we'll never be idle again. */
! #ifdef THINK_C
! #ifndef THINK_C_3_0
! 		/* Most likely, under THINK C 4.0, it is the console
! 		   window.  We can force the window to repaint itself
! 		   by calling any console function.  A rather harmless
! 		   one is cgetxy.  Use stderr as the one least likely
! 		   to be redirected. */
! 		int x, y;
! 		if (stderr->window)
! 			cgetxy(&x, &y, stderr);
! #endif
! #endif
  	_wupdate(win, &r);
*** 227,239 ****
  	WindowPtr w;
  	int code= FindWindow(PASSPOINT e.where, &w);
- 	/* XXX This doesn't look incredibly necessary:
- 	if (active != NULL) {
- 		SetPort(active->win);
- 		rmcaret(active);
- 	}
- 	*/
  	if (code != inContent && code != inSysWindow)
  	switch (code) {
--- 254,259 ----
*** 273,289 ****
  	EVENT *ep;
! 	char c= e.message & charCodeMask;
- 	/* XXX shouldn't mess at all with non-stdwin windows */
  	if (e.modifiers & cmdKey) {
  		if (c == '.') {
  			ep->type= WE_COMMAND;
  			ep->u.command= WC_CANCEL;
! 		else
! 			_wdo_menu(ep, MenuKey(c));
  	else {
  		ep->type= WE_COMMAND;
--- 293,317 ----
  	EVENT *ep;
! 	int c= e.message & charCodeMask;
  	if (e.modifiers & cmdKey) {
  		if (c == '.') {
  			ep->type= WE_COMMAND;
  			ep->u.command= WC_CANCEL;
! 		else {
! 			long menu_item= MenuKey(c);
! 			if (HiWord(menu_item) != 0) {
! 				_wdo_menu(ep, menu_item);
! 			}
! 			else {
! 				ep->type= WE_KEY;
! 				ep->u.key.code= c;
! 				ep->u.key.mask= WM_META;
! 				/* Should filter out arrow keys? */
! 			}
! 		}
  	else {
  		ep->type= WE_COMMAND;
*** 350,356 ****
  			/* If we get here we've missed a
  			   deactivate event... */
! 			dprintf("activate without deactivate");
--- 378,384 ----
  			/* If we get here we've missed a
  			   deactivate event... */
! 			/* dprintf("activate without deactivate"); */
*** 381,387 ****
! 	DrawGrowIcon(active->w);
  	active= NULL;
--- 409,415 ----
! 	_wgrowicon(active);
  	active= NULL;
*** 492,524 ****
  	Rect r;
  	long reply;
! 	/* XXX shouldn't mess at all with non-stdwin windows */
! 	/* Set minimal window size */
! 	r.left= LSLOP + MIN_WIDTH + RSLOP + BAR;
! 	/* The max size is derived from the document size.
! 	   If there is no document size, it is unlimited.
! 	   (There is nothing wrong with windows larger than
! 	   the screen, really.) */
! 	r.right = r.bottom = 0x7fff;
! 	{
! 		/* Max size restriction based on doc size, if specified */
! 		WINDOW *win = whichwin(w);
! 		int docwidth = win->docwidth;
! 		int docheight = win->docheight;
! 		if (win->docwidth > 0) {
! 			CLIPMIN(docwidth, MIN_WIDTH);
! 			r.right = LSLOP + docwidth + RSLOP + BAR + 1;
! 		}
! 		if (win->docheight > 0) {
! 			CLIPMIN(docheight, MIN_HEIGHT);
! 			r.bottom = docheight + BAR + 1;
! 		}
! 		/* For some reason 1 has to be added.  Sigh. */
! 	}
  	reply= GrowWindow(w, PASSPOINT e.where, &r);
  	if (reply != 0) {
--- 520,548 ----
  	Rect r;
  	long reply;
+ 	WINDOW *win = whichwin(w);
! 	/* Don't mess at all with non-stdwin windows */
! 	if (win == NULL)
! 		return;
! 	/* Set minimal window size --
! 	  1x1 at least, plus space needed for scroll bars */
! 	r.left = LSLOP + 1 + RSLOP;
! = 1;
! 	if (win->hbar != NULL)
! 		r.left = 3*BAR;
! 	if (win->vbar != NULL)
! = 3*BAR;
! 	if (win->vbar != NULL)
! 		r.left += BAR;
! 	if (win->hbar != NULL)
! += BAR;
! 	/* Windows may become as large as the user can get them,
! 	   within reason -- the limit 0x7000 should avoid integer
! 	   overflow in QuickDraw. */
! 	r.right = r.bottom = 0x7000;
  	reply= GrowWindow(w, PASSPOINT e.where, &r);
  	if (reply != 0) {
*** 537,545 ****
  	/* XXX shouldn't mess at all with non-stdwin windows */
  	if (TrackGoAway(w, PASSPOINT e.where)) {
! 		ep->type= WE_COMMAND;
  		ep->window= whichwin(w);
- 		ep->u.command= WC_CLOSE;
--- 561,568 ----
  	/* XXX shouldn't mess at all with non-stdwin windows */
  	if (TrackGoAway(w, PASSPOINT e.where)) {
! 		ep->type= WE_CLOSE;
  		ep->window= whichwin(w);
*** 596,608 ****
  	WindowPtr w;
  	Rect r;
! 	r= w->portRect;
! 	r.left= r.right - BAR;
! 	InvalRect(&r);
! 	r= w->portRect;
! r.bottom - BAR;
! 	InvalRect(&r);
--- 619,636 ----
  	WindowPtr w;
  	Rect r;
+ 	WINDOW *win = whichwin(w);
! 	if (win->vbar != NULL) {
! 		r = w->portRect;
! 		r.left = r.right - BAR;
! 		InvalRect(&r);
! 	}
! 	if (win->hbar != NULL) {
! 		r = w->portRect;
! = r.bottom - BAR;
! 		InvalRect(&r);
! 	}
*** 610,622 ****
  	WindowPtr w;
  	Rect r;
! 	r= w->portRect;
! 	r.left= r.right - BAR;
! 	ValidRect(&r);
! 	r= w->portRect;
! r.bottom - BAR;
! 	ValidRect(&r);
  /* Variables needed in click and move detection. */
--- 638,655 ----
  	WindowPtr w;
  	Rect r;
+ 	WINDOW *win = whichwin(w);
! 	if (win->vbar != NULL) {
! 		r = w->portRect;
! 		r.left = r.right - BAR;
! 		ValidRect(&r);
! 	}
! 	if (win->hbar != NULL) {
! 		r = w->portRect;
! = r.bottom - BAR;
! 		ValidRect(&r);
! 	}
  /* Variables needed in click and move detection. */
*** 624,631 ****
  static int m_h, m_v;		/* Doc. coord. of last mouse evt. */
  static long m_when;		/* TickCount of last mouse evt. */
  static int m_clicks;		/* N-fold click stage */
- static int m_button;		/* Which 'button';
- 				   1=normal, 2=shift, 3=command. */
  static void
  make_mouse_event(ep, pwhere)
--- 657,662 ----
*** 637,644 ****
  	int v= pwhere->v + win->orgv;
  	int dh= h - m_h;
  	int dv= v - m_v;
! 	if (dh*dh + dv*dv > CLICK_DIST*CLICK_DIST)
  		m_clicks= 0;	/* Moved too much for a click */
  	if (e.what == mouseDown) {
--- 668,676 ----
  	int v= pwhere->v + win->orgv;
  	int dh= h - m_h;
  	int dv= v - m_v;
+ 	int mask;
! 	if (m_clicks != 0 && dh*dh + dv*dv > CLICK_DIST*CLICK_DIST)
  		m_clicks= 0;	/* Moved too much for a click */
  	if (e.what == mouseDown) {
*** 648,657 ****
  		ep->type= WE_MOUSE_DOWN;
  		_wm_down= TRUE;
- 		/* XXX Should swap buttons 2 & 3 (also in textedit)
- 		   since X11 (e.g., xterm) uses button 3 for extend */
- 		m_button= (e.modifiers & cmdKey) ? 3 :
- 			(e.modifiers & shiftKey) ? 2 : 1;
  	else if (e.what == mouseUp) {
  		if (!_wm_down)
--- 680,685 ----
*** 664,674 ****
  		ep->type= WE_MOUSE_MOVE;
  	ep->u.where.h= m_h= h;
  	ep->u.where.v= m_v= v;
  	ep->u.where.clicks= m_clicks;
! 	ep->u.where.button= m_button;
! 	ep->u.where.mask= (ep->type == WE_MOUSE_UP) ? 0 : 1;
  	ep->window= win;
  	m_when= e.when;
--- 692,713 ----
  		ep->type= WE_MOUSE_MOVE;
+ 	mask= (ep->type == WE_MOUSE_UP) ? 0 : WM_BUTTON1;
+ 	if (e.modifiers & cmdKey)
+ 		mask |= WM_META;
+ 	if (e.modifiers & shiftKey)
+ 		mask |= WM_SHIFT;
+ 	if (e.modifiers & alphaLock)
+ 		mask |= WM_LOCK;
+ 	if (e.modifiers & optionKey)
+ 		mask |= WM_OPTION;
+ 	if (e.modifiers & controlKey)
+ 		mask |= WM_CONTROL;
  	ep->u.where.h= m_h= h;
  	ep->u.where.v= m_v= v;
  	ep->u.where.clicks= m_clicks;
! 	ep->u.where.button= 1;
! 	ep->u.where.mask= mask;
  	ep->window= win;
  	m_when= e.when;
*** 680,683 ****
--- 719,735 ----
  	_wm_down= FALSE;
+ }
+ void
+ wsetactive(win)
+ 	WINDOW *win;
+ {
+ 	SelectWindow(win->w);
+ }
+ wgetactive()
+ {
+ 	return whichwin(FrontWindow());
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/macwin.h	Tue Feb 19 10:46:57 1991
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/macwin.h	Sun Apr  7 16:55:08 1991
*** 65,70 ****
--- 65,71 ----
  #define c2pstr CtoPstr	/* XXX actually, used nowhere */
  /* Quickdraw globals are real globals in THINK C */
+ /* But don't use them, the console library breaks this!!! */
  #define QD(var) (var)
  /* THINK C can't declare forward functions as static */
*** 108,113 ****
--- 109,115 ----
  	struct menubar mbar;	/* List of attached local menus */
  	unsigned long timer;	/* Tick count for timer event */
  	CURSOR *cursor;		/* Cursor if not default */
+ 	COLOR fgcolor, bgcolor;	/* Default colors for this window */
  extern TEXTATTR wattr;		/* Current text attributes */
*** 135,150 ****
  #define CLICK_DIST	5	/* Max mouse move within a click */
- /* Parameters for top left corner choice algorithm: */
- #define LEFT	20	/* Initial left */
- #define TOP	40	/* Initial top */
- #define HINCR	20	/* Increment for left */
- #define VINCR	16	/* Increment for top */
- /* Minimal window size (determined by room for scroll bars only): */
- #define MIN_WIDTH	(2*BAR)
- #define MIN_HEIGHT	(2*BAR)
  /* Text drawn in the very left or right margin doesn't look nice.
     Therefore, we have a little margin on each side.
     Its width is determined here: */
--- 137,142 ----
*** 156,161 ****
--- 148,155 ----
  extern WINDOW *active;		/* Active window, if any */
  extern bool _wmenuhilite;	/* Set if menu item highlighted */
  extern bool _wm_down;		/* Set if mouse down (in appl. area) */
+ extern COLOR _w_fgcolor;	/* Current foreground color */
+ extern COLOR _w_bgcolor;	/* Current background color */
  /* Function prototypes: */
*** 175,184 ****
  void set_ibeam _ARGS((void));
  void set_hand _ARGS((void));
! void makescrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  void movescrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  void hidescrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  void showscrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  void scrollby _ARGS((WINDOW *win, Rect *pr, int dh, int dv));
  void do_scroll _ARGS((Point *pwhere,
--- 169,180 ----
  void set_ibeam _ARGS((void));
  void set_hand _ARGS((void));
! void makescrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win, /*bool*/int hor, /*bool*/int ver));
  void movescrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  void hidescrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  void showscrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
+ void _wgrowicon _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
+ void _wfixorigin _ARGS((WINDOW *));
  void scrollby _ARGS((WINDOW *win, Rect *pr, int dh, int dv));
  void do_scroll _ARGS((Point *pwhere,
*** 211,216 ****
--- 207,215 ----
  bool checktimer _ARGS((EVENT *ep));
  void autoscroll _ARGS((WINDOW *active, int h, int v));
  void _wdo_menu _ARGS((EVENT *ep, long menu_item));
+ void _w_usefgcolor _ARGS((COLOR color));
+ void _w_usebgcolor _ARGS((COLOR color));
  /* SetRect is much faster this way... */
  #define SetRect(pr, l, t, r, b) ((pr)->left = (l), (pr)->top = (t), \
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/pstring.c	Wed Nov  7 23:31:34 1990
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/pstring.c	Tue Mar 26 11:11:41 1991
*** 18,24 ****
  	dst = &buf[1];
  	while ((*dst++ = *src++) != '\0' && dst < &buf[256])
! 	buf[0] = dst - &buf[1];
  	return buf;
--- 18,24 ----
  	dst = &buf[1];
  	while ((*dst++ = *src++) != '\0' && dst < &buf[256])
! 	buf[0] = dst - &buf[1] - 1; /* XXX Recent bugfix! */
  	return buf;
*** 0.9.5/Ports/mac/scroll.c	Wed Nov  7 23:37:48 1990
--- stdwin/Ports/mac/scroll.c	Tue Mar 26 11:15:02 1991
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,9 ----
+ /*
+ This code is somehow broken.
+ If I click a few times on an arrow of the scroll bar the cursor freezes.
+ Other forms of scrolling don't have this problem.  WHAT'S WRONG?!?!?!
+ */
  /* All non-public functions here assume the current grafport is set */
*** 25,30 ****
--- 31,37 ----
  STATIC void setscrollbarvalues _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  STATIC void usescrollbarvalues _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
  STATIC void sizescrollbars _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
+ STATIC int calcneworigin _ARGS((int, int, int, int, int));
  STATIC void calcbar _ARGS((ControlHandle bar,
  	int org, int size, int begin, int end));
  STATIC void setbar _ARGS((ControlHandle bar, int winsize, int val, int max));
*** 33,38 ****
--- 40,46 ----
  STATIC void hidebar _ARGS((ControlHandle bar));
  STATIC void movebar _ARGS((ControlHandle bar,
  	int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
+ void _wfixorigin _ARGS((WINDOW *));
  wsetorigin(win, orgh, orgv)
*** 187,211 ****
  		if (data != NULL) {
  			if (docwidth > 0) {
- 				CLIPMIN(docwidth, MIN_WIDTH);
  				data->stdState.right =
! 					+ LSLOP + docwidth + RSLOP + BAR;
  				data->stdState.right = 0x7fff;
  			if (docheight > 0) {
- 				CLIPMIN(docheight, MIN_HEIGHT);
  				data->stdState.bottom =
! 					data->
! 					+ docheight + BAR;
  				data->stdState.bottom = 0x7fff;
--- 195,226 ----
  		if (data != NULL) {
  			if (docwidth > 0) {
  				data->stdState.right =
! 					+ LSLOP + docwidth + RSLOP;
! 				if (win->vbar != NULL)
! 					data->stdState.right += BAR;
  				data->stdState.right = 0x7fff;
+ 			if (win->hbar != NULL) {
+ 				CLIPMIN(data->stdState.right, 5*BAR);
+ 			}
  			if (docheight > 0) {
  				data->stdState.bottom =
! 					data-> + docheight;
! 				if (win->hbar != NULL)
! 					data->stdState.bottom += BAR;
  				data->stdState.bottom = 0x7fff;
+ 			if (win->vbar != NULL) {
+ 				CLIPMIN(data->stdState.bottom, 5*BAR);
+ 			}
*** 222,227 ****
--- 237,243 ----
  /* Fix the window's origin after a document or window resize.
     (Also used from do_size() in event.c) */
+ void
  	WINDOW *win;
*** 267,272 ****
--- 283,291 ----
  	ProcPtr action;
  	int width, height;
+ 	if (bar == NULL)
+ 		return;
  	wgetwinsize(win, &width, &height);
  	if (bar == win->hbar) {
*** 306,311 ****
--- 325,332 ----
  	deadline= 0;
  	if (TrackControl(bar, PASSPOINT *pwhere, action) == inThumb)
+ 	SetPort(win->w); /*  THIS IS NEEDED!!! */
  static pascal
*** 315,321 ****
  	long now= TickCount();
  	if (now >= deadline && pcode != 0) {
! 		deltabar(bar, scrollstep);
  		if (deadline == 0 && KeyThresh > KeyRepThresh)
--- 336,342 ----
  	long now= TickCount();
  	if (now >= deadline && pcode != 0) {
!  		deltabar(bar, scrollstep);
  		if (deadline == 0 && KeyThresh > KeyRepThresh)
*** 391,399 ****
! makescrollbars(win)
  	WINDOW *win;
  	Rect r;
  	int id= scrollBarProc;
--- 412,431 ----
+ static int cdefexists _ARGS((int));
+ static int
+ cdefexists(id)
+ 	int id;
+ {
+ 	return GetResource('CDEF', id/16) != NULL;
+ }
+ #endif
! makescrollbars(win, hor, ver)
  	WINDOW *win;
+ 	/*bool*/int hor, ver;
  	Rect r;
  	int id= scrollBarProc;
*** 412,438 ****
  	SetRect(&r, 0, 0, 1, 1); /* Dummy rectangle */
! 	win->hbar= NewControl(win->w,
! 		&r, "", false, 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0L);
! 	win->vbar= NewControl(win->w,
! 		&r, "", false, 0, 0, 0, id, 0L);
- static int
- cdefexists(id)
- 	int id;
- {
- 	return GetResource('CDEF', id/16) != NULL;
- }
- #endif
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	DrawGrowIcon(win->w);
--- 444,463 ----
  	SetRect(&r, 0, 0, 1, 1); /* Dummy rectangle */
! 	if (hor)
! 		win->hbar= NewControl(win->w,
! 			&r, "", false, 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0L);
! 	if (ver)
! 		win->vbar= NewControl(win->w,
! 			&r, "", false, 0, 0, 0, id, 0L);
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	_wgrowicon(win);
*** 460,472 ****
  	Rect r;
! 	/* This should be done while the scroll bars are invisible. */
! 	r= win->w->portRect;
! 	movebar(win->vbar, r.right - BAR, - 1,
! 		r.right + 1, r.bottom - BAR + 1);
! 	movebar(win->hbar, r.left - 1, r.bottom - BAR,
! 		r.right - BAR + 1, r.bottom + 1);
--- 485,506 ----
  	Rect r;
! 	/* This must only be called while the scroll bars are invisible. */
! 	r = win->w->portRect;
! 	r.left = r.right - BAR;
! 	r.bottom -= BAR-1;
! 	r.right++;
! 	movebar(win->vbar, r.left,, r.right, r.bottom);
! 	r = win->w->portRect;
! 	r.left--;
! = r.bottom - BAR;
! 	r.right -= BAR-1;
! 	r.bottom++;
! 	movebar(win->hbar, r.left,, r.right, r.bottom);
*** 511,516 ****
--- 545,554 ----
  	int begin, end;
  	int range;
+ 	if (bar == NULL)
+ 		return;
  	/* For the caller it's easier to remember to pass win->org{h,v};
  	   but for our calculations it's easier to have the sign reversed! */
  	org= -org;
*** 526,534 ****
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	wsetorigin(win,
! 		GetCtlValue(win->hbar) - GetCtlMin(win->hbar),
! 		GetCtlValue(win->vbar) - GetCtlMin(win->vbar));
  	/* Implies setscrollbarvalues! */
--- 564,576 ----
  	WINDOW *win;
! 	int orgh = 0;
! 	int orgv = 0;
! 	if (win->hbar != NULL)
! 		orgh = GetCtlValue(win->hbar) - GetCtlMin(win->hbar);
! 	if (win->vbar != NULL)
! 		orgv = GetCtlValue(win->vbar) - GetCtlMin(win->vbar);
! 	wsetorigin(win, orgh, orgv);
  	/* Implies setscrollbarvalues! */
*** 557,567 ****
  	ControlHandle bar;
  	int delta;
! 	int min= GetCtlMin(bar);
! 	int val= GetCtlValue(bar);
! 	int max= GetCtlMax(bar);
! 	int newval= val + delta;
  	if (newval > max)
  		newval= max;
  	if (newval < min)
--- 599,613 ----
  	ControlHandle bar;
  	int delta;
! 	int min, val, max, newval;
+ 	if (bar == NULL)
+ 		return;
+ 	min = GetCtlMin(bar);
+ 	val = GetCtlValue(bar);
+ 	max = GetCtlMax(bar);
+ 	newval = val + delta;
  	if (newval > max)
  		newval= max;
  	if (newval < min)
*** 596,599 ****
--- 642,676 ----
  		MoveControl(bar, left, top);
  		SizeControl(bar, right-left, bottom-top);
+ }
+ void
+ _wgrowicon(win)
+ 	WINDOW *win;
+ {
+ 	Rect r;
+ 	/* If there are no scroll bars, there is no room to draw the
+ 	   grow icon; the entire window belongs to the application.
+ 	   However, clicks in the bottom right corner will still be
+ 	   intercepted by the window manager. */
+ 	if (win->hbar == NULL && win->vbar == NULL)
+ 		return;
+ 	/* Clip the drawing of DrawGrowIcon to the scroll bars present. */
+ 	r= win->w->portRect;
+ 	if (win->hbar == NULL)
+ 		r.left = r.right - BAR;
+ 	if (win->vbar == NULL)
+ = r.bottom - BAR;
+ 	ClipRect(&r);
+ 	DrawGrowIcon(win->w);
+ 	/* Reset clipping */
+ 	SetRect(&r, -32000, -32000, 32000, 32000);
+ 	ClipRect(&r);

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