Bugs in /usr/lib/lint/llib-lc

utzoo!decvax!ittvax!swatt utzoo!decvax!ittvax!swatt
Thu May 13 18:15:43 AEST 1982

	From freb Wed Jan 27 11:26:15 1982
	To: swatt
	Subject: lint

	i have discovered several bugs in the library definitions lint
	uses.  A corrected library is in ~freb/lib/lint/llib-lc .  In
	addition, there is a bug in the documentation -- printf(3) says
	that sprintf is an int function, when in fact it is char * .
	The <stdio.h> file does not have function declarations for
	things like sprinf; it would be nice (otherwise you have to
	declare them everywhere to get lint to shut up).

		- karl

The fixes to the lint library are:
	cp /usr/lib/lint/llib-lc /tmp/upd.$$.tmp ; chmod +w /tmp/upd.$$.tmp
	echo -n "/usr/lib/lint/llib-lc: "
	ed - /tmp/upd.$$.tmp <<\!xxFUNNYxx
	char	*timezone(z,d) int z, d; { return(""); }
	char	*ctime(c) long *c;{ return(""); }
	struct	tm *localtime(c) long *c; { return localtime(c); }
	struct	tm *gmtime(c) long *c; { return gmtime(c); }
	long	time(t) long *t; { return( 0 );}
	int	strncmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(1); }
	char	*strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(a); }
	char	*strncpy(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(a); }
	char	*index(s, c) char *s, c; { return(s); }
	char	*rindex(s, c) char *s, c; { return(s); }
	char	*strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(a); }
	char	*strncat(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(a); }
	eval "diff -c /usr/lib/lint/llib-lc /tmp/upd.$$.tmp | sed '1,2d' >/tmp/upd.$$.dif"
	if cmp - /tmp/upd.$$.dif <<\!xxFUNNYxx
	*** 44,50
	  int	setuid(u) { return(0); }
	  int	(*signal(c, f))() int (*f)(); { return(f); }
	  int	stat(s, b) char *s; struct stat *b; { return(0); }
	! char	*strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { ; }
	  int	strcmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(1); }
	  char	*strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { ; }
	  int	strlen(s) char *s; { return(1); }

	--- 44,53 -----
	  int	setuid(u) { return(0); }
	  int	(*signal(c, f))() int (*f)(); { return(f); }
	  int	stat(s, b) char *s; struct stat *b; { return(0); }
	! char	*index(s, c) char *s, c; { return(s); }
	! char	*rindex(s, c) char *s, c; { return(s); }
	! char	*strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(a); }
	! char	*strncat(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(a); }
	  int	strcmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(1); }
	  int	strncmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(1); }
	  char	*strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(a); }
	*** 46,52
	  int	stat(s, b) char *s; struct stat *b; { return(0); }
	  char	*strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { ; }
	  int	strcmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(1); }
	! char	*strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { ; }
	  int	strlen(s) char *s; { return(1); }
	  int	stty(f, b) struct sgttyb *b; { return(0); }
	  long	tell(f) { return((long)0); }

	--- 49,57 -----
	  char	*strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(a); }
	  char	*strncat(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(a); }
	  int	strcmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(1); }
	! int	strncmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(1); }
	! char	*strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(a); }
	! char	*strncpy(a, b, n) char *a, *b; int n; { return(a); }
	  int	strlen(s) char *s; { return(1); }
	  int	stty(f, b) struct sgttyb *b; { return(0); }
	  long	tell(f) { return((long)0); }
	*** 51,57
	  int	stty(f, b) struct sgttyb *b; { return(0); }
	  long	tell(f) { return((long)0); }
	  int	system(s) char *s; { return(0); }
	! time_t	time(t) time_t *t; { return( 0 );}
	  int	unlink(s) char *s; { return(0); }
	  int	wait(s) int *s; { return(1); }
	  int	write(f, b, l) char *b; { return(l); }

	--- 56,62 -----
	  int	stty(f, b) struct sgttyb *b; { return(0); }
	  long	tell(f) { return((long)0); }
	  int	system(s) char *s; { return(0); }
	! long	time(t) long *t; { return( 0 );}
	  int	unlink(s) char *s; { return(0); }
	  int	wait(s) int *s; { return(1); }
	  int	write(f, b, l) char *b; { return(l); }
	*** 86,94
		/* VARARGS */
		sscanf( s, f ) char *s, *f; { return(1); }
		ungetc( c, f ) FILE *f; {  return(c); }
	! char	*ctime(c) time_t *c;{ return(""); }
	! struct	tm *localtime(c) time_t *c; { return localtime(c); }
	! struct	tm *gmtime(c) time_t *c; { return gmtime(c); }
	  char	*asctime(t) struct tm *t; { return(""); }
		abort() {}
	  int	abs(i) int i; { return(i); }

	--- 91,99 -----
		/* VARARGS */
		sscanf( s, f ) char *s, *f; { return(1); }
		ungetc( c, f ) FILE *f; {  return(c); }
	! char	*ctime(c) long *c;{ return(""); }
	! struct	tm *localtime(c) long *c; { return localtime(c); }
	! struct	tm *gmtime(c) long *c; { return gmtime(c); }
	  char	*asctime(t) struct tm *t; { return(""); }
	  char	*timezone(z,d) int z, d; { return(""); }
		abort() {}
	*** 90,95
	  struct	tm *localtime(c) time_t *c; { return localtime(c); }
	  struct	tm *gmtime(c) time_t *c; { return gmtime(c); }
	  char	*asctime(t) struct tm *t; { return(""); }
		abort() {}
	  int	abs(i) int i; { return(i); }
	  double	atof(s) char *s; { return(1.); }

	--- 95,101 -----
	  struct	tm *localtime(c) long *c; { return localtime(c); }
	  struct	tm *gmtime(c) long *c; { return gmtime(c); }
	  char	*asctime(t) struct tm *t; { return(""); }
	+ char	*timezone(z,d) int z, d; { return(""); }
		abort() {}
	  int	abs(i) int i; { return(i); }
	  double	atof(s) char *s; { return(1.); }
		: 'compare equal, ok'
		echo "OK"
		rm -f llib-lc
		cp /tmp/upd.$$.tmp llib-lc ; chmod a-w llib-lc
		echo "Old source file not same version;" \
			"use diff listings by hand"
	rm -f /tmp/upd.$$.tmp /tmp/upd.$$.dif

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