uuxqt bug with a badly logjammed spool directory

Joe Kelsey joe at fluke.UUCP
Wed Nov 7 05:52:41 AEST 1984

er logs a message or unlinks the
	files, depending on a compile switch.  There are also some changes
	to anlwrk.c and uucp.h.  First, uuxqt.c

uuxqt.c log:
version 1.6        
date: 84/10/08 14:43:21;  author: joe;  state: Exp;  lines added/del: 2/1
Fix editing (really formatting) mistake which crept into v1.5
version 1.5        
date: 84/10/04 12:00:27;  author: joe;  state: Exp;  lines added/del: 3/2
Add log message for old X. files if UNLINK_OLDX is not defined.
This way, you can check the LOGFILE for old files and unlink them
by hand.
version 1.4        
date: 84/04/10 15:02:34;  author: joe;  state: Exp;  lines added/del: 2/0
Made unlinking of work files conditionally compiled on switch
UNLINK_OLDX.  Default is not to include the code.
version 1.3        
date: 84/02/29 14:04:53;  author: joe;  state: Exp;  lines added/del: 3/2
Fixed problem with previous fix whereby uuxqt would not process any
work files if the first one it encounters did not 'gotfiles()'.  I
moved the second iswrk call in gtxfile() to after the while loop which
looks for old X. files and conditionally return 0 if no work, otherwise
I go back and loop some more.

version 1.2        
date: 84/02/21 13:33:51;  author: joe;  state: Exp;  lines added/del: 23/0
Modified gtxfiles() so that if an X. file exists but does not have all
of its associated D. files and it is older than 1 day, we try to unlink
it to keep the X. queue from overflowing and messing up things.  Change
suggested by Tom Truscott via rlgvax.
version 1.1        
date: 84/01/24 11:29:15;  author: lcp;  state: Exp;  
Initial version

< uuxqt.c.r1.1
> uuxqt.c.r1.6
> /* Nfiles is set in anlwrk.c. fluke!joe */
> extern int Nfiles;
>  * Mod to check for old X. files, Feb. 1984, fluke!joe.
> 	time_t ystrdy;		/* yesterday */
> 	extern time_t time();
> 	struct stat stbuf;	/* for X file age */
> 	/* check for old X. file with no work files and remove them. */
> 	/* suggested by Tom Truscott. fluke!joe */
> 	if (Nfiles > LLEN/2) {
> 	    time(&ystrdy);
> 	    ystrdy -= (24 * 3600);		/* yesterday */
> 	    DEBUG(4, "gtxfile: Nfiles > LLEN/2\n", "");
> 	    while (gtwrkf(Spool, file) && !gotfiles(file)) {
> 		if (stat(subfile(file), &stbuf) == 0)
> 		    if (stbuf.st_mtime <= ystrdy) {
> 			DEBUG(4, "gtxfile: unlink %s \n", file);
> #ifdef UNLINK_OLDX
> 			unlink(subfile(file));
> #else
> 			logent(file, "OLD X. FILE");
> #endif UNLINK_OLDX
> 		    }
> 	    }
> 	    DEBUG(4, "iswrk\n", "");
> 	    if (!iswrk(file, "get", Spool, pre))
> 		return 0;
> 	}

anlwrk.c log:
version 1.2        
date: 84/02/21 13:32:26;  author: joe;  state: Exp;  lines added/del: 8/6
Moved LLEN and MAXRQST to uucp.h.  Made Nfiles global for use
by uuxqt.c/gtxfiles().
version 1.1        
date: 84/01/24 11:14:11;  author: lcp;  state: Exp;  
Initial version

< anlwrk.c.r1.1
> anlwrk.c.r1.2
< #define LLEN 20
< #define MAXRQST 250
> /*
>  * fluke!joe moved LLEN and MAXRQST to uucp.h.
>  */
>  * Not now they aren't!  uuxqt.c/gtxfile() uses Nfiles and LLEN to avoid
>  * problems with too many X files with no D files.  fluke!joe Feb. 1984
< static	int Nfiles = 0;
< static	char Filent[LLEN][NAMESIZE];
> int Nfiles = 0;
> char Filent[LLEN][NAMESIZE];
< /* LOCAL only */
> /* EXTERNALLY CALLED fluke!joe */

Obviously, you also have to #define LLEN and MAXRQST in uucp.h.  I leave
that as an exercise for the reader.

/Joe Kelsey	John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.	PO Box C9090
(206)356 5933	Everett, WA  98206

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