CSH -- stopping middle job in set of three, etc.

Ron Natalie <ron> ron at brl-tgr.ARPA
Fri Nov 16 11:06:27 AEST 1984

> Not only will C be thrown away if you stop B in the following:
>     a ; b ; c
> ...but if you stop a job executing from in a SOURCE'd file, the rest
> of the file gets thrown away too.  This can be really annoying if
> you read your mail or news in your .login, and stop either...
> -- 
>         -IAN!  (Ian! D. Allen)      University of Waterloo

It is totally understandable that this happens.  If you think about it,
it has to.  Berkeley Job control doesn't provide for the switching of
input streams.

If you need a method of thinking about it, just remember that shell
input is dealt with upon a stop as if an "interrupt" had occured.


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