Differnces between 4.2 and 4.1cBSD

seshacha at uokvax.UUCP seshacha at uokvax.UUCP
Fri Feb 22 05:37:00 AEST 1985

   Our university has switched over from 4.1c to 4.2BSD V10. I would
   like to know the differences between the two versions,which ofcourse
   are not listed anywhere,under the following titles:
       (1) Operating System differnces--advantages and disadvantages
	   if any.
       (2) Network Capabilities.
       (3) Any other observations.

    Please do not mail technical jargon heavily.I would appreciate if the
    explanations are consize and convincing.

	     Thanks in advance....
					      Graduate Research Assistant
					      School of Electrical Engineering
					      and Computer Science.,
					      University of Oklahoma,
					      Norman.,OK 73019.

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