problems with Honey Danber UUCP and 4.3BSD uucp

Mike Wescott wescott at ncrcae.UUCP
Tue Sep 9 11:49:05 AEST 1986

A neighboring site just converted to 4.3BSD.  We've had a uucp connection
with them for several years.  We switched to HDuucp some time ago and had no
problems connecting/communicating with 4.2 sites, System V machines, and even
with a pyramid.  Since our neighbor converted to 4.3 all we've been able to
get is a connection to startup, begin work and then die with:

ASSERT ERROR (uucico)  pid: 10566 (9/8-21:33:17) WRONG ROLE  (1) [FILE: cntrl.c, LINE: 397]

Anybody else seen this? 
Fixed it? ... How?
Anybody have any good ideas?
What's protocol 't' ?

	-Mike Wescott

Partial debug trace (-x9) follows:

expect: (CONNECT)
getto ret 5
imsg >:^M^J^PShere=pqrs^@Login Successful: System=pqrs
omsg "Sncrcae -Q0 -x9"
imsg >^J^PROK^@msg-ROK
 Rmtname pqrs, Role MASTER,  Ifn - 5, Loginuser - root
rmesg - 'P' imsg >^PPtfg^@got Ptfg
wmesg 'U'g
omsg "Ug"
send 73
pkgetpack: Connodata=1
rec h->cntl 73
send 61
state - [INIT code a] (1)
pkgetpack: Connodata=2
rec h->cntl 61
send 53
state - [INIT code a]&[INIT code b] (3)
pkgetpack: Connodata=3
rec h->cntl 53
state - [O.K.] (10)
Proto started g
*** TOP ***  -  role=1, setline - X
gtwvec: dir /usr/spool/uucp/pqrs
insert(C.pqrsN43eb)  insert C.pqrsN43eb at 0
insert(C.pqrsN43ec)  insert C.pqrsN43ec at 1
insert(C.pqrsN43ee)  insert C.pqrsN43ee at 2
insert(C.pqrsN43f0)  insert C.pqrsN43f0 at 3
insert(C.pqrsN43f1)  insert C.pqrsN43f1 at 4
        return - 8
Wfile - /usr/spool/uucp/pqrs/C.pqrsN43eb,Jobid = pqrsN43eb
Request: ncrcae!D.ncrcaeff3e09 --> pqrs!D.ncrcaeff3e09 (nuucp)
setline - S
wrktype - S
 wmesg 'S' D.ncrcaeff3e09 D.ncrcaeff3e09 nuucp - D.ncrcaeff3e09 0666 nuucp
send 37777777610
send 37777777620
rmesg - 'S' alarm 1
send 37777777610
pkgetpack: Connodata=4
rec h->cntl 37777777610
send 37777777621
pkgetpack: Connodata=1
rec h->cntl 37777777621
send 42
got S D.ncrcaeff3e09 D.ncrcaeff3e09 nuucp - D.ncrcaeff3e09 0666 nuucp
 PROCESS: msg - S D.ncrcaeff3e09 D.ncrcaeff3e09 nuucp - D.ncrcaeff3e09 0666 nuucp
ASSERT ERROR (uucico)  pid: 10566 (9/8-21:33:17) WRONG ROLE  (1) [FILE: cntrl.c, LINE: 397]

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