Installing 4.3-Tahoe on a VAX

Jordan Hayes jordan at
Wed Sep 14 06:52:24 AEST 1988

Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon at> writes:

	[ a bunch of (lazy) reasons for wanting "bin" to own binaries ]

1) if you can't trust your hackers with an account that has install
   privs on your machine, you can't trust what they are putting there.
   give them a tool to install things, or keep them out of your system

2) for NFS use rdist.

3) your third answer makes no sense.  if you bnother at all to audit
   your binaries, you should do a thorough job, and not depend on file
   ownership as a sign of "tampering" ...

4) *why* does AT&T do it?

I think my question stands.


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