or (lp = lines; *lp; )

utzoo!decvax!genradbo!grkermit!chris utzoo!decvax!genradbo!grkermit!chris
Mon Nov 8 13:45:05 AEST 1982

		puts (lines[2]);
		for (lp = &lines[3]; *lp; )
			puts (*lp++);

	putq (s)
	char	*s;
		putchar (HT);
		putchar (DQUOTE);
		for (; *s != EOS; s++) {
			if (*s == BSLASH || *s == DQUOTE).   Thus writing a self-reproducing C
program is meaningless.   Given a particular library of C I/O routines
one could of course do it (e.g. with STDIO ).   However someones else's
IO library might allow shorter self-replications.   For example, the
OMCBIO library has a routine barf() which prints the source file
containing a reference to it.   Thus the program:

#include <omcbio.h>



...skipping 1 line

The above program actually compiles and runs correctly on my system (4.1 bsd).
It must be run in the directory where it is compiled.

The file  omcbio.h  contains the single line:

#define  barf()   execlp("/bin/cat","cat",__FILE__,0)

This has the nice feature of self-anihalation (overlay) immediatly after the
An obvious extension using fork() provides a tree of self-replicating

Article 95 (ihuxp.281):
>From genradbo!decvax!harpo!ihps3!ihuxp!grg Wed Nov  3 21:04:01 1982
Subject: Self printing test.
Newsgroups: net.lang.c
(10 lines) More? [ynq] ? for commands.
(10 lines) More? [ynq] Posting followup article to network.  (To abort press DEL.)
Please use reply ('r') instead unless your article is of general interest.
Title: or (lp = lines; *lp; )
Newsgroups: net.lang.c
Hit <return> to continue, DEL to abort: y compiles and runs correctly on my system (4.1 bsd).
It must be run in the directory where it is compiled.

The file  omcbio.h  contains the single line:

#define  barf()   execlp("/bin/cat","cat",__FILE__,0)

This has the nice feature of self-anihalation (overlay) immediatly after the
An obvious extension using fork() provides a tree of self-replicating

Article 95 (ihuxp.281):
>From genradbo!decvax!harpo!ihps3!ihuxp!grg Wed Nov  3 21:04:01 1982
Subject: Self printing test.
Newsgroups: net.lang.c
(10 lines) More? [ynq] ? for commands.
(10 lines) More?    ?

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