"missing endif": Huh?Who?What?

hennessy at nmtvax.UUCP hennessy at nmtvax.UUCP
Mon Apr 23 09:15:23 AEST 1984

The following code from the endif problem posted gives the same
bad results on out machine. (Vax 11/750 under 4.2BSD) 
>foo (v,w)
>int *v, *w;
>{	int k;
>	k = *v/*w;		}

However if the last line of code has a space between the '/' and
the '*' then the code compiles. This seems to be a parsing error
since to the best of my knowledge white space is ignored with the
exception of the old op= or =op problems that earlier C had. Is
this the same type of error? Mr. Ritche are you out there?

Greg Hennessy

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