C parsing: significance of spaces (a/*b)

Arnold Robbins arnold at gatech.UUCP
Thu Apr 26 09:13:01 AEST 1984

The a/*b problem under discussion is from the PREPROCESSOR, not in
the lexical analyzer, (although, as far as I know, it can handle it).
That is why the message is 'missing endif', only the cpp has endif's.
The cpp strips comments.

Admittedly, that is a bozo error message, but at least know where the
problem is!

Ever look at what comes out of the preprocessor? Try it sometime.
Pretty enlightening...
Arnold Robbins
CSNET: arnold at gatech
ARPA:  arnold%gatech.csnet at csnet-relay.arpa
UUCP:  ...!{akgua, allegra, rlgvax, sb1, ut-sally}!gatech!arnold

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