porting to a Prime seen as a probable negative experience

Sam Kendall kendall at wjh12.UUCP
Sat Sep 8 15:36:23 AEST 1984

Porting to a Prime, with its 48-bit pointers and 32-bit longs, must be
real hell.  I know from reports of the usage of my runtime checker,
which has 96-bit pointers on typical machines, that there is some
assumption that pointers and ints are the same size in most programs of
any size, Ye, even unto lint itself!  Within lint there are several
places where the assumption is made.  If anyone cares to know where, let
him or her send me mail, and I will dig the information out.

	Sam Kendall	  {allegra,ihnp4,ima,amd}!wjh12!kendall
	Delft Consulting Corp.	    decvax!genrad!wjh12!kendall

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