support for large mem?

aliu at uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA aliu at uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA
Sat Aug 31 01:41:00 AEST 1985

(It seems traditional for the first line to say nothing [because it's lost?].)

I'm posting this inquiry for someone:

    We are looking for a C compiler for the Intel
    80188 CPU that automatically supports the large
    memory model (i.e., there is no restriction to
    the size of code and all functions can directly
    access the entire memory spectrum).  The
    application we're considering requires more
    than 256K bytes of ROM-based code and more than
    128K bytes of read/write memory.  If such a
    compiler exists, what is its efficiency
    (benchmark results), compared to those compilers
    using the small memory model?  And does it
    support the new instructions of the 80188
    (specifically, the PUSH const instructions)?
    An additional note, this compiler does not need
    to support 8087 or even floating point numbers.

Please send replies via email to:  {ihnp4 | pur-ee} ! uiucdcs ! aliu

Albert Liu

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