Orphaned Response

davee davee at hpgrla.UUCP
Thu Jan 24 17:28:00 AEST 1985

/***** hpgrla:net.lang.c / cmu-cs-k!tim / 12:54 am  Dec 11, 1984*/
Subject: Re:  PCC and typedefs (why it barfs)

The reason, incidentally, that PCC can't handle typedef identifiers properly
is that they are recognized by the lexical analysis, not as identifiers, but
as type keywords (like "int", etc.)  

It seems to me that in reading the recent ANSI C draft for the language,
they are proposing doing exactly what you describe above. They have an entry
in their YACC source for TYPEDEF instead of INDENTIFIER. This makes the YACC
easier but may not do what people want for scoping.

Refer to the YACC source posted to net.sources.


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