efopen.c (about void voids)

Larry Campbell campbell at maynard.UUCP
Sat Nov 2 13:50:48 AEST 1985

> What doesn't make sense is having a combination of compiler and lint
> where one knows about void and the other doesn't.
> (Sure it's *possible*, but WHY?)
> Snoopy
> tektronix!tekecs!doghouse.TEK!snoopy

Not only is it possible, it's been done, in VENIX.  (Although the

	#ifdef lint
	#define void int

hack seems to work well...)

Larry Campbell                     decvax!genrad
The Boston Software Works, Inc.                 \
120 Fulton St.                 seismo!harvard!wjh12!maynard!campbell
Boston MA 02109                         /       /
                                   ihnp4  cbosgd
ARPA: maynard.UUCP:campbell at harvard.ARPA

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