Information on C++/Object Oriented Programming

Todd Cooper todd at bu-cs.UUCP
Thu Oct 24 03:05:35 AEST 1985

In article <131 at vecpyr.UUCP> markl at vecpyr.UUCP (Mark Patrick) writes:
>I would be most grateful if someone could provide me with information
>on the availability of documentation/source for C++.  Does it support
>any form of dynamic typing at runtime?  Also any infornmation on
>versions of Flavors/Traits which are portable to Unix based
>environments (in particular a pyramid).  Does anyone have any
>experience using Neon/Object Pascal I would be very interested in
>their appraisel of these systems.

Me too. -- I am working in ML and it seems as if C++ is similar.

Todd Cooper

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