Marilyn Monroe

Larry Cipriani lvc at danews.UUCP
Wed Jul 30 06:05:04 AEST 1986

>>	Larry Cipriani		AT&T Network Systems	 danews!lvc
>>	"Nothing is worse than an itch you can never scratch."

>    Ah yes. And Marilyn Monroe is dead.

And someday so will you.

>	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj at>
>On the other hand, life can be an endless parade of TRANSSEXUAL QUILTING BEES
>aboard a cruise ship to DISNEYWORLD if only we let it!!

Are you crazy or just stupid ?!?  This is net.lang.c not net.signatures.
Perhaps there ought to be a newsgroup where we can jab each other about
signature files (more money for AT&T!) but this isn't the place for it.
Grow up Cottrell.

Larry Cipriani		AT&T Network Systems
danews!lvc		"Nothing is worse than an itch you can never scratch."

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