NOTE from 26631853 -- clarification

rbj at icst-cmr.ARPA rbj at icst-cmr.ARPA
Wed Jul 16 02:45:13 AEST 1986

	From: 26631853%WSUVM1.BITNET at
	Subject: NOTE from 26631853
	Date: 14 July 1986, 00:36:31 PLT
	From: Ron D. Hutnik             (509)-332-7726       26631853 at WSUVM1
	To:   INFO-C at BRL
	send index

I'm sure lots of people are mystified as to what this is. Perhaps
I can clear this up. It could be one of three things:

1) Jack Dongarra at Argonne National Labs has numerical analyst
   software online for automatic distribution. Send message containing
   the words `send index' to <netlib at>.

2) With Jack's permission, we have adopted and adapted his software to
   distribute our collection of parallel computational benchmarks.
   Send message containing the words `send index' to <nbslib at>.
   Please note that `nbslib' is different from `netlib'.

   We are soliciting contributions as well. Send mail to either
   <measure at>, <measure at>, or yours truly.

3) Something else, possibly another netlib clone.

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj at>

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