Survey of C Compilers

Bill Crews bc at cyb-eng.UUCP
Mon Jul 28 11:42:35 AEST 1986

>     Since I have just seen a couple of recommendations for the MS C compiler
> and having never used it I would like to know how good is its large model.
> Does it produce faster code than Lattice? Speed and correctness are my major
> concern.
>  Peter Ashwood-Smith

You'd better be more explicit about the memory model you are interested in;
Lattice large is Microsoft huge model.  Best to describe what size (and
format) of data and code pointers you want.
bc				Bill Crews @ NetCor Data International

..!{seismo,gatech,ihnp4}!ut-sally!cyb-eng!bc  (512) 835-2937

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