C compiler for RT-11

tait at miduet.UUCP tait at miduet.UUCP
Wed Feb 18 00:43:36 AEST 1987

I'm looking for a C compiler for use on RT-11. A commercial (supported)
product is needed, which rules out DECUS C (impressive though it is).

Any recommendations or pointers would be gratefully received (by mail -
I'll summarise to the net if there's sufficient response).

=	=	=	=	=	=	=	=	=	=     =
| Philip J. Tait, Marconi Instruments Ltd. | St. Albans, Herts. AL4 0JN, U.K. |
| UUCP: ...mcvax!ukc!hrc63!miduet!tait	   | NRS : tait at gec-mi-at.co.uk	      |
| Voice: +44 727 59292 x449  Telex: 297221 | Fax: +44 727 39447		      |
=	=	=	=	=	=	=	=	=	=     =

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