Question on implementing "repeat...until keypress"?

maw at auc.UUCP maw at auc.UUCP
Mon Feb 9 08:02:30 AEST 1987

Awile back, I posted a question pertaining to implementing "repeat...until
keypress".  Well, first I want to thank you those of you who gave me some
help.  I really needed it to complete that phase of my project.

And now for the completion of the next phase:

I need some way to spawn a child process from a C program.  I want it execute
another program, and then, once the child process is ABORTED, the control goes
back to the mother process at the point of spawning.

I would appreciate it it someone can again help me.  I am not trying to get 
everyone to write my programs.  It's just that on these two points that my
knowledge, and experience, is lacking.

Thanks in advanced.

----- mike

<      Michael A. Walker      | Operator |      AUC Computational Center      > 
<   gatech!gt-cmmsr!auc!maw   | <<<<>>>> |  "There is strength is diversity." >

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