compiler detection of potential run-time errors

Bjorn Lisper lisper-bjorn at CS.YALE.EDU
Fri Jul 29 05:38:01 AEST 1988

In article <1988Jul27.202049.21589 at utzoo.uucp> henry at utzoo.uucp (Henry
Spencer) writes:
>(I also wonder whether proving absence of run-time errors is sufficiently
>weaker than proving correctness that it is fundamentally easier, but
>on reflection it seems to me that in the [irrelevant] general case it is
>probably equivalent to the halting problem.)

To find whether a program is free from run-time errors or not is of course
undecidable in general. One type of run-time errors is array indices getting
out of bounds. Say, for instance, that we have an ARRAY a(1..n) and
somewhere in the program a statement a(i) := .... . In order to prove
absence of sun-time errors in this program we must prove that always
1 <= i <= n immediately before this statement. Since we can do arbitrary
integer operations on i before this point this amounts to deciding the truth
of an arbitrary formula in integer arithmetic. Thus it is undecidable.

Of course there are many *special* cases where freedom from run-time errors
can be decided. So I'm not saying that compile-time checking of such
properties is futile. On the contrary, I think it can be very useful.

Bjorn Lisper

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