The Dangers of sizeof

Maarten Litmaath maart at
Tue Apr 11 04:17:08 AEST 1989

penneyj at servio.UUCP (D. Jason Penney) writes:
\I must disagree!  There is only ONE form of sizeof -- the operator form,
\which takes an arbitrary (unevaluated) expression as its argument.

K&R seem to disagree.

\...  Trick question:  what is the value of:
\sizeof (char) - 1
\Answer:  1 -- the (char) is a cast, which is of higher precedence than
\sizeof, [...]

sizeof and casts have equal precedence.

	% cat c.c
		printf("%d\n", sizeof(char) - 1);
	% a.out

People, please CHECK things before posting.
 "If it isn't aesthetically pleasing, |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
  it's probably wrong." (jim at bilpin). |maart at, mcvax!botter!maart

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