Just Wondering

Ray Trent trent at unix.SRI.COM
Sat Apr 29 04:34:02 AEST 1989

In the referenced article, jlg at lanl.gov (Jim Giles) writes:
>>>    Why is C case-sensitive?
>> BecAUSe peopLE arE CaSE senSITive, as YOU CAn noW see.
>Ah, but do you intend to imply that "BecAUSe peopLE arE CaSE senSITive,
>as YOU CAn noW see" has a different _MEANING_ from "Because people are
>case sensitive, as you can now see?"  The fact is that most people are

I would claim that. Your article damns your argument, in this case
:-), because I claim (with some certainty) that you would never had
replied in this way if the previous author had written "Because people
are case sensitive, as you can now see." The implication of this
assertion is that some additional information *was* conveyed by the
previous author's use of non-standard capitalization.
"When you're down, it's a long way up
 When you're up, it's a long way down
 It's all the same thing
 And it's no new tale to tell"                      ../ray\..

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