LEX rule, anyone???

mark mark at linqdev.UUCP
Tue Dec 12 04:39:24 AEST 1989

>   /* this is a regular expression to match a c comment    */
>   /* written by cml 890922   (probably not minimal)    */
>"/*"([^*]|[*]*[^*/])*[*]+"/"    {printf("saw a c comment.\n");}
>.                {putchar(*yytext);}

As a friend the the office here pointed out, this particular
way of handling C comments tends to 'grow' the parser.

Here is his solution which I thought was a neat way to do it
and save some space:

"/*"        {
			do  {
				yytext[0] = yytext[1];
				if( !( yytext[1] = input() ) )
					"EOF in comment.  Missing \"*/\"." );
				} while( yytext[0] != '*' || yytext[1] != '/' );

* Mark R. Holbrook-WS7M  uw-beaver!                    Interlinq Software Corp *
* Issaquah,  WA   98027       sumax!ole!   /mark       10230 NE Points Dr #200 *
* HM:206-392-9672 Voice            linqdev!            Kirkland, WA 98033-???? *
* HM:206-392-9673 Data                     \ws7m!ws7m  WK:206-827-1112 Ext:152 *
* Opinions..? Yes, they are mine and mine alone!  I'll sell 'em cheap however! *

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