MSC __STDC__ strange value

Joe English jeenglis at
Tue Dec 5 21:55:13 AEST 1989

ejp at bohra.cpg.oz (Esmond Pitt) writes:
>For some strange reason, the MSC 5.1 compiler defines __STDC__ as 0, so
>#if __STDC__
>yields a different result from
>#ifdef __STDC__

MSC (and many other compilers) support extensions to
the Standard (far pointers, etc.)  A common convention
is to define __STDC__ as 1 when operating in
strict-conformance mode (extensions disabled), and as
0 otherwise.  That way you can use "#ifdef __STDC__"
to determine if, e.g., function prototypes are
available, and "#if __STDC__" to determine if the
compiler is strictly conforming (no extensions, no
surprises.)  MSC's default mode probably leaves the
extensions turned on.

This is just a convention, by the way; it's not
required by the Standard, and it's not strictly
portable.  It's not required because:  if the compiler
supports extensions, it's not strictly conforming, and
if it's not strictly conforming, the Standard has no
say over what it does.  As far as I can tell, this
practice follows both the letter and the spirit of the
law, being useful without really breaking the rules.

--Joe English

  jeenglis at

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