common bugs in C programs

Norman Joseph norm at oglvee.UUCP
Thu Dec 28 01:06:50 AEST 1989

>From article <61500001 at>, by damerla at
> I am compiling a list of syntax and logical errors I ever made while writing
> C programs.  Some of these errors are very simple but hard to debug like typing
> = in place of ==.  Till now I have compiled about 25 of them and any 
> contributions to this list will be appreciated.

You may want to save yourself some time and effort and check your favorite
bookstore for _C Traps and Pitfalls_, by Andrew Koenig, Addison-Wesley 1989,
ISBN # 0-201-17928-8.  This book is exactly the list of syntax & logical errors
you are trying to compile, along with explanations and advice.

Norm Joseph - Oglevee Computer System, Inc.
  UUCP: ...!{pitt,cgh}!amanue!oglvee!norm
    /* you are not expected to understand this */

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