Braces are not Compiler-Fluff.

Ray Dunn ray at micomvax.UUCP
Wed Jan 18 04:28:52 AEST 1989

In article <323 at twwells.uucp> bill at twwells.UUCP (T. William Wells) writes:
 > [I point out that the "indentation is sufficient" argument depends on
 >  a style preference argument]
 >Agreed. However, I try to avoid arguing things like: if one screws up
 >in this way, one can continue screwing up by doing...

Which presupposes the subjective assessment that the starting point is a
screw up.....

 >: problem areas are with line-wraps, which will always occur...
 >: and a set of conventions which through necessity
 >: would have to look like a current "style wars" definition.
 >Actually, even C has a line continuation (more-or-less) standard: the
 >backslash at the end of a line. And the dpANS makes it standard.

Ah, but then we once again would get visual indentation clues which might
overwhelm the the line continuation character.....

 >With a consistent use of them, the conventions would not be so much
 >of a problem.

I'm sorry, but this still just degenerates into a style preference war.
Ray Dunn.                      |   UUCP: ..!philabs!micomvax!ray
Philips Electronics Ltd.       |   TEL : (514) 744-8200   Ext: 2347
600 Dr Frederik Philips Blvd   |   FAX : (514) 744-6455
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