Solution of array of pointers to functions problem

Kevin Dooley dooley at
Wed Jun 14 22:53:12 AEST 1989

In article <823 at> I write:
>In a very recent posting I asked why it was illegal to construct
>an array of pointers to functions.  The answer is, of course, that
>it is completely legal, but with a twist. ...
I went on to say:
>                  ... the typedef is critical, ie
>	double	(*functionList[])() = { ... };
>*DOES**NOT**WORK*.  ...

Well, as many people have noticed, I was full of beans.  Sorry, it
works today.... My syntax was shakey when I did this before, now I
see the error of my ways.  (Head dutifully hung in shame)
	Kevin Dooley

 Kevin Dooley         UUCP - {uunet,pyramid}!utai!helios.physics!dooley
 Physics Dept.        BITNET - dooley at utorphys
 U. of Toronto        INTERNET - dooley at

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