Mandlebrot set

Chris Hinton themod at
Thu Jun 22 14:12:06 AEST 1989

  Hello to all you netters out there, maybe one of you can help me.  I am
in search of a function that, given a point in the complex plane, will return
the number of iterations it takes to determine if the given point is in the
Mandlebrot (sp?) set. 
  Put more simply, I would call the function in this way :

		s = function(real,imag);
	s is the number of iterations
	real is the real part of the complex number
	imag is the imaginary part of the complex number.

  Any help is greatly appreciated.

+ Chris Hinton (aka The Mod)      | The veiws presented in the above posting |
+ Mod Software Systems            | are my own, and should not be take as    |
+ (206)547-1342                   | those of the University of Wasington.    |
+                                 | These ideas are available for sale or    |
+ themod at | rent at a reasonable price.              |

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