arrays of pointers - NOVICE QUESTION!( Be forwarned ! )

Jon W{tte d88-jwa at
Mon Jun 5 19:39:32 AEST 1989

>	 * malloc below is implicitly cast to (char **), but this
>	 * depends on it returning (void *); old compilers need the
>	 * cast, since malloc() returns (char *).  The same applies

Hmmm. I thought that malloc() returned an unsigned long. At least
it does on the Motorola compiler from 1982 I use, under Unix sys V
for M68k-based machines. Can anyone who has more knowledge than me
clarify this point ?

 __       Jon W{tte (The dread Smiley Shark) email:h+ at
/  \      (+46 (0) 8 258 268)
   /---   (c) 1989 Yessbox Allright Professional Products Inc. - Y.A.P.P.I.
  /       -- No More --

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