Turbo Trouble

Jon W{tte d88-jwa at nada.kth.se
Sat Jun 3 19:38:15 AEST 1989

I recently ran into a problem (bug ?) in Turbo C 2.0 using #define:

#define SetRect(rectp, t, l, b, r)\
(rectp)->top = t, (rectp)->left = l, (rectp)->bottom = b, (rectp)->right = r

This macro later gets called by:
[definitions, among them struct rect { int left, top .......]

        rect r;

        SetRect(&r, 20, 20, 200, 400);

This should be fairly legal. I tried to compile it, and my machine
(Victor V286A with 640 kBytes RAM) hung on me:
Internal Stack Overflow -- System halted

Can anyone there post or email an answer ? Is this a known bug ?
There should not have been any memory problems, since all of the
code was a bit under 100 lines... Plus a few standard libs (Graph.h,
stdio.h and stdlib.h) The memory left meter didn't go below 100k,
I'm fairly sure. Oh, by the way, Turbo C places compilation
warnings and errors wrong in the source if you have macros longer
than one line.

For those who want to know: Yes, I am writing a "Compatibility"
package for Macintosh -> PC ports, personal use.

 __       Jon W{tte (The dread Smiley Shark) email:h+ at nada.kth.se
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