comment token mistake

Blair P. Houghton bph at buengc.BU.EDU
Tue May 2 19:51:36 AEST 1989

In article <1521 at> guy at (Guy Harris) writes:
>>Perhaps it was just theirs-by-fiat, having fallen from an earlier
>>incarnation of the language ("B", "C--", I dunno.), or perhaps it was
>>a sarcastic comment (PUN!!) on the `(*' stuff that Pascal was shedding.
>Or maybe they just picked it up from PL/I.

Okay, okay, okay, okayokayokay  OOOKAAAYYY!!!

Yeah.  I remember now.  It was PL/I.  (sweat-shivver-grimace)...

				  /* I thought those dark days were
				     over... but now the forces of
				     evil return to batter my soul... */"

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