Optional semi-colons

Jim Giles jlg at lanl.gov
Tue May 2 02:15:53 AEST 1989

>From article <10531 at megaron.arizona.edu>, by mike at arizona.edu (Mike Coffin):
> [...]
> I think the moral is that a little redundancy is a good thing.  If you
> don't like semicolons, add redundancy somewhere else.  For instance,
> have newlines mark the end of statements unless an explicit
> continuation mark appears, as in Fortran. Personally, I think that
> "..." on the end of a continued statement would look nice.

This is, what I have been recommending all along!  Actually, I don't want
to eliminate semicolons - I just want the end-of-line to be an alias for
semicolons.  That way, the semicolons are optional after the last (and
usually only) statement of each line.

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