Why does lint complain about this?

Guy Harris guy at auspex.auspex.com
Tue May 2 05:38:03 AEST 1989

 >Prototypes are very helpful in error checking, but it is an unwise practice
 >to *depend* on the compiler to do your casting for you.

Unless you're working with a compiler that supports prototypes, in which
case if the compiler won't do the conversions for you, it has what is
technically known as a "bug".

 >If a function call would need an explicit cast to work correctly in
 >the absence of a prototype, then it should have an explicit cast.

That's a stylistic matter - it doesn't *have* to have an explicit case
if your compiler supports prototypes, but if it makes you feel better to
explicitly cast the argument, go ahead and do so.

 >One of the more common errors of this type (pun intended) occurs frequently
 >in UNIX exec calls:
 >	execl(path, arg0, arg1, arg2, 0);  /* non-portable */
 >instead of
 >	execl(path, arg0, arg1, arg2, (char *)0);

...which is not a good example, since "execl" is a function with a
variable number of arguments and, as such, cannot have the types of all
its arguments properly described by a prototype - you have to put in an
ellipsis.  As such, the compiler *cannot* (without extensions beyond the
scope of ANSI C) know that all arguments to "execl" should have type
"char *", and cannot convert a naked "0" to "(char *)0" in a call.

Another common error is

	setbuf(file, 0);	/* or NULL */

which the compiler *can* handle with prototypes, since the prototype for
"setbuf" is:

	void setbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf);

so it *does* know that the second argument should have type "char *".

The only problem I can see with trusting prototypes if you're never
going to use a compiler that doesn't support them is that you might not
have the proper prototype in scope.  This is a quality-of-implementation
issue: the compiler *should* have a mode in which it warns of legal but
questionable constructs such as calls to a function with no prototype in
scope, non-prototype definitions of functions, etc..  There should also
be a "lint" to check for problems that the compiler won't complain

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