C BNF Grammer

Vik Lall vik at mentor.cc.purdue.edu
Thu Nov 9 16:41:48 AEST 1989

In article <266 at ntmtv.UUCP>, scoter at ntmtv.UUCP (Patrick Thompson) writes:

> Does anyone out there have a BNF grammer for C.  

I think I might have responded to this, anyway, even if I didn't,
here is something that might help.


Or, if you are on a BSD system, the online copy of PS1 will have
"The C Programming Language - Reference Manual", written by dmr..

You can even look at the back of K&R.

Hope this helps.


Vik Lall				vik at mentor.cc.purdue.edu
Purdue University Computing Center	lall at purccvm

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