(* func)(fred, bert)

David Goodenough dg at lakart.UUCP
Fri Nov 10 02:41:11 AEST 1989

dsr at stl.stc.co.uk (David Riches) sez:
> I want a function with the following interface, that does some actions
> when a signal activates it :-
> VOID error(code, status)
> VOID main()
>  {
>   signal(SIG_ALARM, error(101, &stat);		<----------------- (B)

You can do this quite easily, but it takes a global variable and
an additional procedure:

void error(code, status)
int code, *status;

int stat;

void error101()
    error(101, &stat);

void main()
    signal(SIG_ALARM, error101);

	dg at lakart.UUCP - David Goodenough		+---+
						IHS	| +-+-+
	....... !harvard!xait!lakart!dg			+-+-+ |
AKA:	dg%lakart.uucp at xait.xerox.com			  +---+

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