Token Pasting

Fraser Orr orr at
Fri Nov 10 01:44:43 AEST 1989

I would like to define a cpp macro along the lines of

#define list(name,type) \
typedef _${name} { \
struct _${name} _${name}_Link \
${type} _${name}_Data } ${name} ;

(where I've emphasised where I want param expansion with ${...})
The problem is joining up the bits. "_name" does not expand, because it
is a whole token. Ideally what is required is something to join together
the tokens - perhaps PASTE(_,name). I seem to remember seeing this
somewhere but I've forgotten where. Any ideas? (e-mail => summary).

==Fraser Orr ( Dept C.S., Univ. Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK)
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