C interfacing with Fortran

glenn at suphys.physics.su.OZ.AU glenn at suphys.physics.su.OZ.AU
Tue Aug 28 08:08:28 AEST 1990

	I'm trying to write a program which uses a 2-d array of structs to
represent a matrix of complex numbers: struct complex {double r; double i}.
The array is dynamically allocated as it can become rather large. I don't
want to do complex arithmetic in C (we don't have C++ :-)) so I thought I'd
use Fortran.

Problem: How does one pass a 2-d C array of structs to a Fortran subroutine?

I've managed to do it with a 1-d array, but our Manuals (SUN OS 4.1) say
nothing about 2-d arrays; that part seems to just be a copy (with minor changes)
of the version 7 UNIX manual.

Any example programs or pointers to good cross language references would be much

BTW I'm using f77 and cc (standard SUN C compiler).

			Thanks in advance,

glenn at qed.physics.su.oz.au

Glenn Geers                       | "So when it's over, we're back to people.
Department of Theoretical Physics |  Just to prove that human touch can have
The University of Sydney          |  no equal."
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia         |  - Basia Trzetrzelewska, 'Prime Time TV'

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