Porting to a 3b2

Brendan Kehoe kehoe at scotty.dccs.upenn.edu
Fri Aug 17 04:39:07 AEST 1990

 Ever have one of those days?
 I wrote a program first originally in QuickC..then the folks using it
suggested porting it over to Unix, soo I rewrote it on my Sun and it worked
great! But, being that I work for the gov't and all, they of course wanted it
to work on the AT&T 3b2 -- so I bring the source over there, thinking that I've
made it as vanilla as I could, and *slam* was I wrong.
 It refuses any sort of prototyping or function predeclaration at all; it
won't let me do something like:
	int (*step[7])(int *) = { *step1, *step2, *step3, .., *step7 };
 It won't let me do any sort of automatic initialization at all (like doing
char *x[8]={"step1", "step2", "step3", ... etc };
 which has *really* made me grow to hate that machine. Is it K&R compatible
at all?? I've tried doing the above with and without the array width (8),
to no avail. I'm convinced that the 3b2's not a machine to write software
for...please prove me wrong!

Brendan Kehoe         -    Sun Network Manager   - brendan at cs.widener.edu
brendan at world.std.com - brendan at chinet.chi.il.us - brendan at cup.portal.com
brendan at wet.uucp      - brendan at zorch.sf-bay.org - Ad infinitum ... 

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