Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question

John Baldwin johnb at srchtec.UUCP
Wed Aug 8 06:08:21 AEST 1990

In article <440 at demott.COM> kdq at demott.COM (Kevin D. Quitt) writes:
[referring to printf() formatting in Microsoft C ver 5.10]
>   MSC's %p prints the pointer in the format SSSS:OOOO (segment/offset), with
>%Np printing only the OOOO portion.  Both forms expect a 32 bit pointer,
>so non-32 bit pointers must be coerced by using the far keyword.

A good way to make your code a little more portable (note the use of the
relative term as opposed to the absolute) is to encapsulate the pointer

If you have some oft-included header file (call it <generic.h>), insert a
typedef such as
     typedef void far *     genptr;

Choose the identifier to suit yourself and your coding style... then you can
      printf("Address of foob is [%p] \n", (genptr)&foob);

If you move to another implementation, you only have to change the typedef.
  [Obviously, in this instance, you'll have to do more than that,
   since there's not a '%p' format specifier in the ANSI printf()!!!
   Sorry.  :-/ ]

John T. Baldwin                      |  johnb at srchtec.uucp
Search Technology, Inc.              |  johnb%srchtec.uucp at
standard disclaimer:                 |  ...uunet!samsung!emory!stiatl!srchtec..
opinions and mistakes purely my own. |  ...mailrus!gatech!stiatl!srchtec...

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