C Coding Standards, is there software out there...

Mark Henderson markh at squirrel.LABS.TEK.COM
Fri Aug 17 08:45:40 AEST 1990

I'm looking for software which checks compliance with coding standards.
What we want is something that can be configured to check against
our (evolving) coding standard. The coding standards specifies the
usual things, such as code format, variable/constant/macro and function
naming, comment format...etc.

I am aware of a package from Abraxas called CodeCheck which looks like
it might do the trick, but would greatly appreciate any information
on public-domain, freeware, or commercial packages. We are, in particularly,
interested in something that will run on SUN platforms running SUN OS, but
will consider packages which run on other types of hardware. The code that
needs to be processed will be ifdef'd...etc. to run on several platforms.

Thanks in advance for any help. Please Email replies as I don't normally
read this newsgroup. 

If there is any demand, I will post a summary of responses received.

Mark Henderson
Computer Research Laboratory
Tektronix, Inc.
Mark Henderson, Tektronix, Inc., MS 50-662, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077
Telephone: +1 503 627 6280  FAX: +1 503 627 5502  TELEX: 6503784996MCI UW
INTERNET: markh at crl.labs.tek.com ATTmail: !mchenderson  MCI MAIL: 378-4996
X.400: ADMD=MCI/C=US/Surname=Henderson/Given_Name=Mark/DDA ID=3784996

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