Preprocessor macro to quote its argument

Henry Spencer henry at
Wed Aug 22 03:51:38 AEST 1990

In article <11517 at> schaefer at (Barton E. Schaefer) writes:
>Now wait a minute here -- is it really true that the "right hand side"
>of a #define constant must be a valid token sequence?  I was under the
>impression that only the result after expansion had to be a valid sequence.

Your impression is wrong; the RHS of a #define constant must be a sequence
of valid preprocessor tokens (which are somewhat less restrictive than
"real" tokens).  In particular, mismatched quotes have undefined effects.

The right way to fix the notorious `CTRL(D)' problem is to quote the D.
There is no portable way for the macro to supply the (single) quotes.
This has been true for a long time; tokenizing preprocessors existed
well before the ANSI C effort started.
Committees do harm merely by existing. | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
                       -Freeman Dyson  |  henry at   utzoo!henry

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