stupid compilers

Martin Wendel martin at
Fri Aug 31 19:08:27 AEST 1990

Can anyone explain to me why this piece of code is O to run:

           #include <stdio.h>
           #include <strings.h>
             char line[];
             char *tmp = "1234";
             strcpy(line, tmp);
             printf("%s\n", line);

when this pboduce a segmentation fault:

           #include <stdio.h>
           #include <strings.h>
             char *line;
             char *tmp = "1234";
             strcpy(line, tmp);
             printf("%s\n", line);

I have a sparcstation 1+ and run SUNOS 4.03 and I have tried the
Sun C compiler and the GNE C compiler with and without the -ansi
flag set, but they all behave the same.

Thanks in advance.

<     Martin Wendel         >     martin at     > 
 >    Postmaster at UDAC   <      Martin.Wendel at UDAC.UU.SE   <
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