alloca() for TurboC

Dale Smith dale at NCoast.ORG
Thu Aug 23 13:27:51 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug22.032243.18214 at> trier at po.CWRU.Edu writes:
>Here's a version of alloca I use.  It's my clone of a version from some
>piece of PD software I saw a year or two ago.
>        #define alloca(A) ((_SP -= ((A)+1) & 0xFFFE), (void far *)(((unsigned long)_SS << 16) | _SP))
>The idea is to subtract the size A from the stack pointer, making sure
>it's word-aligned.  (This is the (_SP -= ((A)+1) & 0xFFFE) part.)  Then,
>since alloca returns a pointer to the allocated space, the macro must
>kludge together a far pointer from the stack segment and stack pointer.
>I should add the disclaimer that I'm not entirely sure that this works.
>It's my own version of someone else's, but I changed it a bit.  (I don't
>remember what the original looked like.)
>Hope this helps!
>Stephen Trier                              Case Western Reserve University
>Home: sct at                 Information Network Services
>Work: trier at
>   I may work for the University, but that doesn't mean I speak for them.

I believe I saw something like that in an early port of bison.  It's
really cute but will trash register variables.

Someone posted an alloca for the 386 which I hacked to fit Turbo C.
I also took a peek at a disassembly of the Microsoft C 5.1 alloca().

Here it is, have fun.

------ Snip it or somethin' ------------------------------
; alloca.asm
; Allocate from the stack for Turbo C 2.0
; I have not tried this this TC++ 1.0

; void *alloca(size_t size);

; Beware of using alloca in functions without arguments
; and -k- in tiny, small, and medium models.  The stack has a
; possibility of growing.

    ifdef __TINY__
   .model   tiny
elseifdef __SMALL__
   .model   small
elseifdef __MEDIUM__
   .model   medium
elseifdef __COMPACT__
   .model   compact
elseifdef __LARGE__
   .model   large
elseifdef __HUGE__
   .model   huge
   .model small

if @DataSize EQ 0
	extrn	___brklvl:word

	public	_alloca
_alloca	proc

;; Pop return address into (es:) cx and size into ax
	pop	cx		; return address
if @CodeSize
	pop	es		; return segment
	pop	ax		; size

;; Make sure that ax is greater than zero, and is a multiple of two.
	cmp	ax,0
	jl	error
	inc	ax
	and	ax,not 1

;; Figure new stack pointer, check for negative and less than brk.
	mov	bx,sp
	sub	bx,ax
	jb	error		; below zero
if @DataSize EQ 0		; tiny, small, medium
	cmp	bx,___brklvl
	jb	error		; below the brk
	xchg	sp,bx
	mov	ax,sp

;; Copy the (hypothetical) register variables.
ifdef __MEDIUM__
	push	ss:6[bx]	; return segment(medium)
	push	ss:4[bx]	; return offset(med,sm,tiny) or ds(huge)
	push	ss:2[bx]	; di (all)
	push	ss:[bx]		; si (all)

if @DataSize
	mov	dx,ss

;; Put something on the stack so that our caller can pop it off.
	push	ax

;; Return to the the caller.
if @CodeSize
	push	es
	push	cx
	jmp	cx

	xor	ax,ax
if @DataSize
	jmp	exit

-------------- Ok, that's it -----------------------------------------

 Dale P. Smith
 dale at

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