Wanted: Roll your own BIOS (IBM PC) Book/source

con_jdc con_jdc at umt.UUCP
Mon Feb 12 13:13:20 AEST 1990

   Sorry for the massive cross-posting but this request defies

categorization. Does anyone out there know of any books/source code

to roll your own PC (XT or AT) BIOS. I've seen ads in C Users Journal

about coding a BIOS but I don't want to waste $200 dollars if it

doesn't do what I want: Specifically I need a routine to totally

bypass drive A: during the boot process (i.e. disable floppy boot).

(I would have posted to alt.msdos.programmer or comp.ibm.programmer(??)
but we don't get access to those groups here).  Any help is, of course,
greatly appreciated.
                  ________     +------------------+
                _/        \_   |John-David Childs_| UUCP: ...!apple!umt!con_jdc
              _/       I    \_ |        _       |_  
            _/           _____\|      /   \       | 
            |            \_    |     |     |      | 
            |_             \__ |      \   /       |
              \_            _/ |        -         | Bitnet/Internet:
                \__________/   |Semper ubi sub ubi|    umt!con_jdc at apple.com
               "Diskmuncher"   +------------------+

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